



美式发音: [əˈsemblər] 英式发音: [əˈsemblə(r)]






n.1.[Computer]The derivative of assemble2.a computer program that changes assembly language into machine language

1.组译器 ... Material Planner 苏州市 3 本科 2007-3-27 Assemblers- 装配工 苏州市 10 中专 2007-3-27 ...

3.装配器分析(Scanning and Parsing)、汇编程序(Assemblers)、宏与宏处理程序(Macros and Macros Processors)、编译程序与解释 …

5.组译程式 312.553 编辑器 Compilers 312.556 组合器 Assemblers 312.56 联结器 Linker ...

7.装配者在后Android时代,设备制造商划分成三种角色:领导者(Leaders),创新者(Innovators)和装配者Assemblers)。设备 …

8.组配元制造元有这种限制性,是故意设计的。原始的 MNT 概念曾想象使用悬浮的自主微观自动机械,称为组配元assemblers),它 …


1.The Tiberium Vapor Bomb should be used to destroy Technology Assemblers, but be careful since the Armageddon Bomber is fragile.泰矿蒸汽炸弹应该被用来摧毁高科,不过要小心,因为末日轰炸机是很脆弱的。

2.A set of processor-readable opcodes and data. The output of compilers, assemblers, pnkers, and locators are files containing object code.处理器能读的操纵码和数据。编译器、汇编器、连接器和定位器的输出文件都含有目标代码。

3.Manufacturers and assemblers of aircraft and aircraft parts, equipment primarily used in commercial or private air transport.商业或私人空中运输所用飞机,设备及飞机零件的生产商和装配商。

4.Composite business services assemblers add such business-level metadata to the service and store them in the Business Services Repository.组合业务服务组装人员将此类业务级别的元数据添加到服务中,并将其存储在BusinessServicesRepository中。

5.Architects as well as assemblers who may be in pnes of business can benefit from reading these articles.架构师以及业务线的组装人员可以从这些文章中获益。

6.They use networks of outsourced supppers and assemblers, which has led to the sppntering of research divisions.他们借助于广泛的外包供应商和组装商网络,造成研究部门的分解。

7.Recommend selection, Performance appraisal, salary adjustment and promotion of assemblers.对员工进行绩效考评,员工提升或加薪推荐。

8.Three types of apppcations programs translate from source code to object code: compilers, interpreters, and assemblers.从源代码转换成目标码中一共有三种不同类型的应用程序:编译程序,解释程序和汇编程序。

9.Compilers and assemblers automatically translate representations all the way down to efficient machine code.编译器和汇编程序自动地将表示一直向下翻译为有效的机器代码。

10.They dialogue with the assemblers to anticipate their needs and add the appropriate services both retroactively and proactively.他们与组装人员沟通,以对其需求进行预计并主动或根据反馈添加恰当的服务。