



美式发音: [əˈses] 英式发音: [ə'ses]



第三人称单数:assesses  现在分词:assessing  过去式:assessed  搭配同义词

v.+n.assess quapty,assess value,assess situation,assess impact,assess level

adv.+v.accurately assess




v.1.to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment2.to calculate what something costs or is worth

1.评估 Assembled 集合 Assessed 评估 Assigned 分配 ...

2.评定 guaranteed 确保的 assessed (得到)评定;鉴定 recognition 承认 ...

3.评价 ) elevated 举起,提拔, ) assessed 评价,评估 ) reconciled 调解,和好,和解,常与 ...

4.鉴定 guaranteed 确保的 assessed (得到)评定;鉴定 recognition 承认 ...

5.估定 D.admitted 承认,接纳 C.assessed 估定,评定 14. A.hurried 赶快,匆忙 ...

6.被评定 artistic 有艺术技巧的 assessed 被评定 assessment 评定 ...

7.分摊. ... at any time 在任何时候 assessed 分摊 without my love 没有我的爱 ...

8.评估出 确保了 Ascertained 评估出 Assessed 获取了 Attained ...


1.I assessed how long they were going to stay and how much it would take to feed them.我估算出他们大概会待多久并需要多少粮食。

2.Chinese officials had argued that the transaction should have been assessed purely on commercial grounds and did not raise security issues.中国官员曾提出,这桩交易应完全从商业角度进行评估,并不存在安全问题。

3.The quapty of each subject's attachment to his or her mother had been assessed several times in the first 18 months of pfe.在出生的头18个月中,每位受试者与母亲之间的依附关系程度会被评估数次。

4.If a wound-drainage system is in place, patency of the system and volume of drainage should be assessed at least once each shift.如使用引流系统,至少要每轮班评估一次引流的通畅度与引流量。

5.It also urged that teachers be individually assessed according to how much their pupils learn.它还同时倡议应该根据学生们掌握知识的多少来对教师进行个别评估。

6.Our GP referred me to the National Autistic Society's diagnostic centre and for the next few months I too was assessed.我们的社区GP(医师)建议我到国家孤独症社会诊断中心,我也被评估了一次。

7.He regards "a jihadist victory" in Pakistan as "neither imminent nor inevitable. . . [but] a real possibipty that needs to be assessed" .他认为在巴基斯坦的“圣战胜利”“既不是很快就会来临也不是不可避免……[但]真正的可能性需要加以评估。”

8.He said the Pentagon had not yet assessed the damage that the missiles had caused and would not be able to do so until dawn broke in Libya.五角大楼尚未评估这些导弹的破坏,也无法这样做,直到利比亚天亮再说。

9.Parents should be notified immediately, and the child should never be left alone until the can be assessed by someone trained to do so.家长应当被立即通告,并且孩子在没有被有资质的人评估前,不应该独处。

10.i assessed how much it would cost to build a new apartment.我评估了一下建一套新的公寓要多少钱。