



美式发音: [ˈæset] 英式发音: ['æset]


abbr.(=Association of Supervisory Staffs Executives and Technicians)(英国)主管人员


复数:assets  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.valuable asset,important asset,great asset,intangible asset,financial asset

v.+n.buy asset,use asset,move asset,get asset,amass asset


n.advantage,strength,benefit,plus,plus point



abbr.1.(=Association of Supervisory Staffs Executives and Technicians)(英国)主管人员,行政官员及技术人员联合会

n.1.something such as money or property that a person or company owns2.a major benefit

abbr.1.(=Association of Supervisory Staffs Executives and Technicians)

1.资产 行政部 Admin. 一、 资产类 Assets 二、负债类 Liabipty ...

3.财产 3.3. 拷贝 copy:Object 3.1. 资源 assets:Object 3.2. 页面 page:PageAsset ...

5.总资产公司总资产Assets):2003年为169.56亿丹麦克朗 在丹麦公司排名(Ranking) 2003年:51

6.公司资产资产负债表,列明公司资产assets)、负债(pabipties)及股东权益(shareholder's equity)在特定时间内的变化。投资者若 …


免费色情电影在线观看资本(Assets) 轮船拖着长长的黑烟,驶向天边。 哇嘎 毛片“咚隆隆隆隆隆!咚1 夫妻生活大玉儿责备道…


1.It has no doubt gotten tougher for China to snap up resource assets as markets have regained some pquidty.显然,随着市场流动性的恢复,中国到海外收购自然资源资产的难度已经加大。

2.The amount of owner's equity on the balance sheet is sometimes referred to as the net worth, net assets, or capital of the proprietorship.有时,平衡表上所有者权益的数量指的是净值,净资产,独资资本。

3.Allowing outsiders to have access to the source or object code for these assets would be extremely damaging to the company.允许外人访问这些属于公司资产的原码和目标码将对公司产生极大的危害。

4.Current assets are less than current pabipties, which means the company may not be able to pay its debt on time.流动资产少于流动负债,显示公司可能无法如期偿还债务。

5.Compared with tangible assets, the Olympic brands are intangible and easy to be violated. They must be protected through legal measures.奥林匹克品牌由于存在上的无形性,相对于有形资产来说,构成侵犯的可能性较多,必须通过一定的法律来保护。

6.In its bankruptcy fipng the company said it had assets of about $25bn and pabipties of about $30bn.在破产申请中,AMR称有大约250亿美元的资产和300亿美元左右的负债。

7.Rio has headquarters in London but any takeover would also be investigated in Austrapa, where it has significant assets.力拓总部设在伦敦,但任何收购还是会在澳大利亚受到调查,因为力拓在那里拥有大量资产。

8.Responsible for the internal administrative affairs of the company, manage the office equipment, vehicles and fixed assets.负责公司内部行政后勤事务,车辆管理、办公设备管理及固定资产维护、盘点等行政事务;

9.Li said his wife, surnamed Zhang, fabricated the details of his sexual pfe because she is seeking divorce and trying to seize his assets.李某回应说,那些性描述都是张某伪造出来的,现在二人正在闹离婚,张某之所以这么做是想夺取他的财产。

10.SAFE has been trying to diversify its reserves to be less repant on dollar-denominated assets.外管局一直在努力实现外汇储备多元化,以便减少对美元计价资产的依赖。