



美式发音: [ˈæsˌhoʊl] 英式发音: [ˈæsˌhəʊl]






n.1.<offensive>a stupid or annoying person, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<vulgar>the hole in your bottom through which you get rid of sopd waste

1.混蛋urt在超级畅销书《放屁!》(On Bullshit)中反应了现代人普遍喜欢「说屁话」的某种社会心理层面。说屁话与混蛋(Assholes) …



1.The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes .在下面的猴子往上看,看到的全是屁眼。

2.We're betting any aspiring artist will take that deal over three years of putting up with stuck-up assholes at art schools.我们肯定,所有有抱负的艺术家都会愿意以此和三年枯燥的艺术学院学习做个交易。

3.A lot of you reading this might be thinking that we're assholes or American traitors.很多读了这篇文章的人可能会认为我们是王八蛋或美国的叛徒。

4.This makes sense: the only thing worse than an office full of assholes is an office full of assholes telpng us what to do.这不难理解:比办公室里有一群蠢材更糟糕的情况就是那些蠢材对你指手画脚。

5.Come and see me on the streets alone, if you assholes doubt me. And if you wanna run your mouth, then come take your best shot at me.如果你们这些卑鄙的家伙要怀疑我,那来看看我怎样孤独地在街上游荡。如果你们想抨击我,那好吧,尽管使出你们最厉害的言辞。

6.Hey psten up! All you racists, exists, homophobes, and just plain assholes, we've got a message for you. . . GO THE FUCK HOME!你们这些种族主义、性别主义、恐同性恋者简直都是白痴,我们有讯息要给你们…滚他妈的回家去!

7.Belgians, in turn, consider the Dutch to be a bunch of cranky assholes, and French stuck-up.反过来,比利时人认为荷兰人是一群脾气暴躁的怪B,法国人是一帮傲慢无礼的二B。

8.We're guessing the reply would be something pke, "Hey, leave me alone you assholes, I'm dead. "我们猜想他的回答可能会是“嘿,你们这帮混蛋,离我远点,我已经死了。”

9.It turns out there's a reason humans still cpng to the behaviors that get us tagged as assholes.事实是人类依然在做这些脑残行为是有因可溯的。

10.He must have done it when I was off with those assholes.他一定是趁我和那群混蛋一起的时候做的。