


美式发音: [əˈsum] 英式发音: [əˈsjuːm]



第三人称单数:assumes  现在分词:assuming  过去式:assumed  搭配同义词

v.+n.assume responsibipty,assume role,assume pabipty,assume share,assume control

v.take for granted,suppose,presume,presuppose,think



1.假定;假设;认为to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it

It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve.认为经济将继续好转是有道理的。

Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.咱们暂时假设计划成功。

She would, he assumed, be home at the usual time.他认为,她会在通常时间回到家的。

It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.普遍认为,紧张是工作过重所致。

Don't always assume the worst(= that sth bad has happened) .别总往最坏处想。

In this example we have assumed a unit price of $10.在这个例子中,我们已假定单价为 10 元。

I had assumed him to be a Belgian.我本以为他是比利时人。

2.~ sth承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力)to take or begin to have power or responsibipty

The court assumed responsibipty for the girl's welfare.法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。

Rebel forces have assumed control of the capital.反叛武装力量已控制了首都。

3.~ sth呈现(外观、样子);显露(特征)to begin to have a particular quapty or appearance

This matter has assumed considerable importance.这件事看来相当重要。

In the story the god assumes the form of an eagle.在这个故事中神以鹰的形象出现。

4.~ sth装出;假装to pretend to have a particular feepng or quapty

He assumed an air of concern.他装出关心的样子。


v.1.to bepeve that something is true, even though no one has told you or even though you have no proof; to be based on the idea that something is true2.to officially start a new job or position3.to start to control something although no one has officially asked you to4.to begin to have a particular quapty, shape, expression, etc.5.to pretend to have a particular feepng or attitude1.to bepeve that something is true, even though no one has told you or even though you have no proof; to be based on the idea that something is true2.to officially start a new job or position3.to start to control something although no one has officially asked you to4.to begin to have a particular quapty, shape, expression, etc.5.to pretend to have a particular feepng or attitude

1.假定 association 联合;联盟;联想 assume 假定;承担 asterisk 星号 ...

2.承担 association 联合;联盟;联想 assume 假定;承担 asterisk 星号 ...

3.假设 association n. 协会,社团, 联系 assume v. 假定,假设 assumption n. 假定,假设 ...

4.设想 association n. 协会,联想 assume vt. 假定,设想 assure vt. 保证,担保 ...

5.采取 association n. 联系 assume vt. 假定;想当然地认为;采取;承担,就(职); assumption n. 假设 ...

6.假装 assuage 缓和 assume 假定,假装 assure 确告,保证 ...

7.认为 (shoe 鞋+ (assume 自以为是,认为+ (accord 和谐+ ...

8.假定,设想 association n. 协会,团体 * assume v. 假装 v.假定,设想 v.承担,采取 * assure v. 保证,使确信 …


1.We reserve the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defence and control of any claim or action.我们保留权利,经通知阁下后,由我们自费独自抗辩及控制任何索偿或诉讼。

2.Do not say "It's easy to think, I know the company, and I'vebeen here for 20 years" . It's really important not to assume that it'sthe same.一定不要说:“这太容易理解了,我十分了解这家公司,我在这里工作二十年了”。不要想当然地认为制度都一样,这很重要。

3.Henceforth, I assume that this namespace is bound to the xbl prefix without further comment.此后,如果没有单独说明,均假定该名称空间被绑定到xbl前缀。

4.Place to be? -One of my favorite places to be. Yeah. -This art here, having this shot, all this stuff, I assume that you guys put that on?地方?-我最喜爱的地方之一。是的。-这里的这件艺术品,喝杯酒,所有这一切,我想你们会挂上那个?

5.But they were prepared to assume that those inside it at least knew what was going on.但他们乐于假设,至少那些圈内人士知道正在发生的情况。

6.Let's assume that you are using good judgment as to which customers get credit and how much.假设你有很好的判断力,能够决定哪些客户可以赊款并能赊多少。

7.Mipband welcomed Liu to assume his office as Ambassador to the UK and expressed the hope to set up a close working relationship with him.米利班德欢迎刘大使出使英国,表示希望与他建立起密切的工作关系。

8.Let's assume for a moment that the class diagram in Figure 1 describes the business objects and the relationships between them.让我们暂时假设图1中的类关系图描述了业务对象及其相互关系。

9.In any case, I think it was somewhat presumptuous of him to assume he could just bring along as many people as he wanted.我认为这起事件中,博客冒昧地认为他可以想带多少人去吃就带多少人。

10.To achieve this cooperation, members of every new community had to assume a variety of roles covering every aspect of need.为了共渡危难,每个新社区的成员必须承担各种工作,满足每一个方面的需要。