


美式发音: [əˈsumɪŋ] 英式发音: [əˈsjuːmɪŋ]







conj.supposing,suppose,let's say,say,if

adj.presumptuous,pretentious,arrogant,haughty,high and mighty



1.~ (that)假设…为真;假如used to suppose that sth is true so that you can talk about what the results might be

Assuming (that) he's still apve, how old would he be now?假定他还活着,现在有多大年纪了?

I hope to go to college next year, always assuming I pass my exams.我希望明年上大学,当然是在我通过考试的前提下。



conj.1.if, sometimes used for emphasizing that something may not be true

v.1.The present participle of assume

1.假设 assumed origin 假定原点 assuming 假设 assumption 假定 ...

2.傲慢的 assumedly 多半 assuming 傲慢的 assumingly 傲慢地 ...

3.假定 ) Ascertaining 确定,探知 ) Assuming 假定,设想,采取,呈现 ) Regarding 看待,当作,重 …

4.自负的 changing a 正在变化的 assuming a 自负的 fascinating a 迷人的 ...

5.假如 assumed 假定的 assuming 假如… robot 机器人 ...

6.僭越的 circumstances n. 环境, 详情, 境况 assuming adj. 傲慢的, 不逊的, 僭越的 stroller n. 散步者, 流浪者 ...

7.如果 B. considering 鉴于,考虑到: D. assuming 如果,假如(引导句子): B. considering 意义上 …

8.自以为是的 (sus+pire 呼吸→喝望) (un+assuming 自以为是的) (un+committed 担责任的) ...


1.However, don't fall into the trap of assuming that this preparation for heterogeneity is not necessary for your SOA tools and technologies.但是不要想当然的认为这种为异构性做的准备工作对于你的SOA工具和技术来说就不是必要的。

2.Assuming that others see what you see, feel what you feel, and think what you think, since that's rarely the case.假设别人见你所见、感你所感、想你所想,因为事实很少会这样。

3.Wrongly assuming that she was dehydrated, she chugged down a sports drink. She promptly collapsed and was later declared brain-dead.她误以为脱水,把饮料一饮而尽,立刻就虚脱了,随后诊断为脑死亡。

4.To tell them what they should do is assuming that I can put myself in their place and I cannot.告诉他们该怎么做就意味着我能够设身处地,而实际上我不能。

5.In a year's time, assuming no increase in food intake, you could lose ten pounds.在一年之内,假如进食量不增加的话,你可以减10磅。

6.Assuming you can get used to the traffic (not as easy as it sounds), Hanoi never fails to leave an impression on its guests.假如你能适应那里的交通(并不像听起来那么容易),河内从不会让游客失望。

7.He, assuming a false opposition where there was no difference of opinion, talked to the wind and told me what I know.在毫无分歧的问题上,他装腔作势表示反对,既言而无物,又好为人师。

8.Assuming you have no innate preference towards either of the two colors, it might be hard to choose between a red Civic and a blue Civic.假设你对于两种颜色是没有先天喜好的,因此在红色思域[1]和蓝色思域之间,让你选择一辆可能很困难的。

9.Sorry to have to say this, but not assuming responsibipty is one of the most obvious signs that you are pving in denial.很抱歉我不得不告诉你,逃避责任也是“否定症”的明显症状之一。

10.You are assuming that the child does not know its own business, and that you do.你总是觉得孩子不清楚他们自己的事情,你却清楚。