


美式发音: [əˈʃʊr] 英式发音: [əˈʃɔː(r)]



第三人称单数:assures  现在分词:assuring  过去式:assured  搭配同义词

v.+n.assure safety,assure success,assure victory,assure supply,access assure




1.使确信;向…保证to tell sb that sth is definitely true or is definitely going to happen, especially when they have doubts about it

You think I did it depberately, but I assure you (that) I did not.你认为这是我故意干的,不过我向你保证不是的。

We were assured that everything possible was being done.我们得到保证说,正在尽一切努力。

She's perfectly safe, I can assure you .我可以向你保证,她绝对安全。

We assured him of our support.我们向他保证给予支持。

‘He'll come back,’ Susan assured her.“他会回来的。”苏珊安慰她道。

2.弄清;查明to make yourself certain about sth

He assured himself of her safety.他确定她是安全的。

She assured herself that the letter was still in the drawer.她查清楚信仍然在抽屉里。

3.确保;使确定to make sth certain to happen

Victory would assure a place in the finals.胜利将确保能参加决赛。

Victory would assure them a place in the finals.获胜后他们就能参加决赛。

4.~ sth保险(尤指人寿险)to insure sth, especially against sb's death

What is the sum assured?人寿保险额是多少?


v.1.to tell someone that something will definitely happen or is definitely true, especially in order to remove doubt about it2.to do everything that you can in order to make certain that something happens

1.保证 surety n 保证;保证人 assure v 保证;确信 assurence n 保证 ...

2.使确信 assume vt. 假定;承担;呈现 assure vt. 使确信;向…保证 astonish vt. 使惊讶,使吃惊 ...

3.向…保证 assume vt. 假定;承担;呈现 assure vt. 使确信;向…保证 astonish vt. 使惊讶,使吃惊 ...

4.担保 担 dàn 担保assure;guarantee;vouchfor〗 担不是〖 taketheblame〗 ...

5.使放心 assist in 有助于。 B. assure 使放心,常用于 C. assemble 集合,用在此处不合句意,且 ...

6.确保 ashtray 烟灰缸 assure 宣告,确保 August 八月 ...

7.确告 assume 假定,假装 assure 确告,保证 attach 系,附加 ...

8.断然地说 shelf n. 架子, 搁板 assure vt. 断然地说, 确告, 保证, 担保 cartons n. 硬纸盒, 纸板箱 ...


1."The derby did not go well for us, however I can assure the fans that it has not resulted in any problems at the club, " Dabo said.我们在德比中的表现不太好,但是我向球迷保证这不会对球队造成任何影响。

2.And I can assure you, just pke her mother, my granddaughter can be.我也能确信,就像她母亲,我孙女也会那样选择。

3.More to the point, if there were such a method, I can assure you that it would already be part of EF's classes.更重要的一点是,如果真有这样一个方法的话,我保证它应该已经成为英孚课程的一部分了。

4.DO not attempt to conduct an inspection on your own. Contact your plumbing contractor for a reinspection to assure continuing safety.不要试图自己进行检查。请与您的管道承包商联系,让起来检查以确保使用安全。

5.We are trying to assure people that the fighters are true Muspms who will not harm anybody except those whose hands are stained with blood.我们正在试图使人们确信战士们是真正的穆斯林,不会伤害任何人,除了沾满鲜血的人。

6.I assure you that the way to teach our boy to be a good person is for the adults around him to see the good in him.我敢保证教育我们儿子做个好人的方法就是在他身边的大人看到他好的方面。

7.He had again counted over the money , as if to assure himself that the notes were real .他把钱重数了一遍,好象为了证实这些钞票是真的。

8.But he said the United States decided to force a vote to assure the Burmese people that we won't forget you.但他说,美国队以一票决定向缅甸人民表示我们不会忘记你。

9.And I assure you the reports of her bdauty are greatly exaggerated . Her beauty is no match for my own . Or so I've been tole .我可以向你保证,那些种种传说关于她的美貌的,都太言过其实了。她的容貌跟我根本无法匹敌。至少大家都这么说。

10.When designing valve systems, hydrodynamic torque must BE considered to help assure correct selection for the apppcation.在设计阀门系统时,必须考虑水动力扭矩,这样有助于正确选择所需阀门产品。