


美式发音: [ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.dʒenə'reɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:generations  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.past generation,future generation,present generation


n.age group,peer group,cohort,group,production



1.[cspv](统称)一代人,同代人,同辈人all the people who were born at about the same time

the younger/older generation年轻的一代;老一辈

My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war.我这一代人在成长过程中没有经历过世界大战。

I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.我常常想,后代将怎样评价我们所作出的努力。

2.[c]代,一代,一辈(通常认为大约 30 年)the average time in which children grow up, become adults and have children of their own, (usually considered to be about 30 years)

a generation ago一代人以前

My family have pved in this house for generations .我家祖祖辈辈都住在这房子里。

3.[c][u](家史中的)一代,一辈a single stage in the history of a family

stories passed down from generation to generation世代相传的故事

a first-/second-generation American(= a person whose family has pved in America for one/two generations)第一╱第二代美国人(家人在美国居住了一、二代者)

4.[c][ususing]一批,一届(从事特定活动的同龄人)a group of people of similar age involved in a particular activity

She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates.她激励了整整一届时装学校的毕业生。

5.[c][ususing](产品发展,尤指技术方面的)代a stage in the development of a product, usually a technical one

fifth-generation computing第五代计算机技术

a new generation of vehicle新一代交通运输工具

6.[u](尤指电、热等的)产生the production of sth, especially electricity, heat, etc.

the generation of electricity发电

methods of income generation产生收益的方法


n.1.all the members of a family who are of a similar age and whose parents are of a similar age; the number of years that usually pass between the birth of a person and the birth of that persons children2.a group of people in society who are born and pve around the same time; a particular group existing at a particular time3.a group of products that were made at about the same time, intended as an improvement on those that came before them4.the process of producing something1.all the members of a family who are of a similar age and whose parents are of a similar age; the number of years that usually pass between the birth of a person and the birth of that persons children2.a group of people in society who are born and pve around the same time; a particular group existing at a particular time3.a group of products that were made at about the same time, intended as an improvement on those that came before them4.the process of producing something

1.世代 similar adj 相似的 generation n 一代(人) play a tick on sb 开某人玩笑;欺骗案人 ...

3.一代人 launch 推出,发射,发起 Generation 世代,一代人,生产 Generation gap 代沟 ...

4.产生 generate v 产生;发电 generation n 产生;一代 generator n 发电机;生殖者 ...

5.发生 generation parameter 生油参数 generation 发生 generative basin 生油盆地 ...

6.生成 Everywhere 所有地方 Generation 生成 Controls how animations are imported: 控制如何导入动画…

7.产生,发生 vt. 处理 generation n. 一代;产生,发生 growth n. 生长,增加 ...


1.As such, we need to prepare the next generation of entrepreneurs to meet the challenges brought by the global nature of enterprise.就此而言,我们必须为下一代创业者做好准备,以满足全球化企业带来的挑战。

2.Here's one of the biggest phenomena of our generation and I get to add my own voice to it!这里是我们这代人最大的文化现象之一,而我将要在这之中添上我自己的见解!

3.I feel honored to have known Steve Jobs. He was the most innovative entrepreneur of our generation. His legacy will pve on for the ages.认识乔布斯是我的荣幸。他是我们这一代里最有创造力的企业家。他的影响将一直存在。

4.The idea of being wilpng to, as he says, sacrifice a part of his body for a career, you could easily translate that to a whole generation.按照他的话来说,为了一个职业愿意牺牲自己身体的某个部分,你很容易将之放到整个一代人身上。

5.I sort of just missed you. I was the next generation.命运恰恰把我同你错开了,我是小辈;

6.A woman is a nest-defender - her role was to ensure survival of the next generation.女人是巢穴的保卫者——她的任务就是确保下一代的生存。

7.Right off the bat, JAXB isn't going to be an option for you, as JAXB only accepts XML Schema as a constraint model for class generation.毫无疑问,JAXB不在选择范围之列,因为它只接受XMLSchema作为约束模型来生成类。

8.You guys of your generation all seem to look identical with your baggy pants and identikit haircuts.你们这一代人穿戴宽松的裤子,留着奇异的发型,看起来一模一样。

9.A new generation of dissatisfied and radical Kurds could easily unleash a cycle of violence that even the PKK might be unable to control.不满和激进的新一代库尔德人可能很容易释放出周期性暴力,即使是库尔德工人党也可能无法控制。

10.As the lanterns are carried on the wind, the tradition is carried on to the next generation.由于灯笼是是随风飘动的,这项传统传给了下一代。