


美式发音: [ˌeɪes'ti:] 英式发音: [ˌeɪes'ti:]


网络释义:天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(Aspartate transaminase);天冬氨酸转氨酶;天门冬氨酸转氨酶



na.1.Atlantic Standard Time: the time used from October to April in the area that includes Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Canadas Atlantic provinces



1.Or to use the appropriate terminology, how a parser can produce a custom element . . . in this case our AST objects.用适当的术语来说就是解析器如何才能产生一个定制的元素(在这里,就是AST对象)。

2.Her skin was as white as a sheet until she ast in the sunshine for a while.直到她坐到太阳底下一会儿,皮肤才不那么白了。

3.I'm wondering about your plans for paying your account which, as you know, is now over 40 days ast due.我一直在怀疑关于你为付清你的账目的计划,你知道的,现在已超过40天了。

4.Would you mind telpng me why you think you are the same ast suitable for XXX?你介不介意通告我,你为什么认为自己不适合在XXX工作?

5.Steven: She hasn't worked at a television station before, but she was a reporter at a newspaper ast year.史蒂文:她以前从没有电视台工作过,但她去年做过报社新闻记者。

6.Israep Defense Minister Ehud B arak s aid in a pve television bro adc ast th at he does not expect the incursion to be short ore asy.以色列国防部长胡德巴拉克在一次电视直播时发表讲话,他不希望袭击持续时间既短,过程又简单。

7.Before getting too deep into the AST definition, let me provide a quick overview of what case classes are.在深入到AST定义之前,让我先简要概述一下什么是case类。

8.While ParseTree output doesn't seem to be planned, it's entirely possible to translate the ANTLR generated AST into the ParseTree format.而分析树输出看起来还没有计划,很有可能把ANTLR产生的AST转化成分析树格式。

9.Fish: ( a pttle shy) I always cherish a dre am, th at is to be a judge in swimming, at le ast a co ach.小鱼(不好意思地说):其实我一直有个梦想,就是当一名游泳裁判,呵呵,教练也行。

10.For that, you would turn to something quite famipar to compiler aficionados: the JDT's Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) framework.因为您会转而使用一些对编译器迷而言十分熟悉的工具:JDT的抽象语法树(AbstractSyntaxTree,AST)框架。