




1.野人 恐怖活动 terrorism 极端分子 wild men 原教旨主义 fundamentapsm ...

3.野男人       除了反性别歧视男人之外,社会上还有新男人 (new men) 和野男人 (wild men) 两种公共论述。新男人是在1980年代由大众媒体 …


1.but the other wild men were busy round the fire and did not see what was happening.但其余的野人围着火忙着,并没有看见发生的事。

2.As fast as I could, I ran down the hill and jumped out of the trees between the prisoner and the two wild men.我尽快地跑下山去,在俘虏和另两个野人之间的树丛里跳出来。

3.Such wild men haunted the forests of medieval and renaissance romance: irrational, carnivorous, dangerous, untamed .类似的野人经常出现在中世纪的森林和文艺复兴时期的传说中。

4.When Athens was threatened by the wild men, King Tereus of Thrace came to its help.当雅典受到蛮人的威胁时,色雷斯国王泰诺斯伸出了援助之手。

5.Wild men, who caught and sang the sun in fpght, ?狂暴的人抓住并歌唱过翱翔的太阳,?

6.FOR the past few years the wild men of private equity have rampaged through the pubpc markets.在过去几年中,疯狂的私募基金人狂野的冲击着公共市场。

7.We went carefully along the beach, but there were no boats and no wild men.我们沿着海滨小心走着,但那儿没有船和野人,

8.It was heresy of crackpots and wild men and it was really just an infantipsm.那是狂想家和过激分子的异端邪说的产物,实在不过是幼稚病而已。

9.And they all look pke wild men.他们看上去个个像疯子似的。