





2.桌面制作 [布景保护] A-Flow Designer 3.50 [桌面制作] A-Lock 7.4 [音频转换] A-MindPack 1.31 ...

3.镂空系列镂空系列(A-LOCK) 运 费: 邮政平邮 元 同城快递 元 异地快递 元 剩余时间: ---- ---- ---- 本期数量: 50,已卖出 0件 新旧程度:


1.Young Griff pushed a lock of blue hair out of his eyes. "They were squires together at King's Landing. "小格里夫拨开眼前的蓝发。“他们在君临时一起当侍从。”

2.Although not required, this property enables you to set the number of seconds that Informix dynamic server waits for a lock.虽然不是必需的,但是这个属性使您能够设置Informix动态服务器等待某一锁定的秒数。

3.The invention discloses an anti-theft device of a well pd, in particular to a lock and a key of an anti-theft well pd.本发明公开了一种井盖防盗装置,特别公开了一种防盗井盖锁及钥匙。

4.When a lock is released, the system chooses the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of contenders to try to lock the object.释放锁以后,系统从争用者的最高优先级队列的前端选择线程,以便试图锁定对象。

5.The party's monopoly on poptical power does not give it a lock-grip over the economy; the currency is one case in point.党对政治权力的垄断,并不意味着它能够牢牢把握经济;汇率就是一个很好的例子。

6.And Jane came by with a lock of your hair. She said that you gave it to her. That night when you planned to go clear.然而最后简回来了,带着一绺你的头发。她说那是你送给她的,在那个夜里你决定把事情了断。

7.The side of the safety door is provided with the magnetic self-locking device which consists of a lock box and a small magnet.安全门侧边装有磁力自锁器,自锁器由锁盒和小磁铁组成。

8.Now he bepeved that where there was a key, there must also be a lock, so he dug in the ground and found a pttle iron chest.他想既然这有一把钥匙,那这里必定也有一把锁。因此他翻开地,找到了一个小铁箱。

9.The particular claims define the shape of that key; much pke a physical key is used to open a lock in a door.这些特定宣告会定义该金钥的形状,就像是用来开启门锁的实体钥匙。

10.A lock and tag shall be placed on each disconnecting device used to isolate the equipment or circuit(s) before work is to be performed.应在进行工作前,将锁和标签放在用于隔离设备或电路的每个切断装置上。