


美式发音: [əˈstreɪ] 英式发音: [ə'streɪ]





adv.+v.go astray

adv.off course,lost,off track,off target,off beam



Several letters went astray or were not depvered.有几封信丢失或未投递。

We locked up our valuables so they would not go astray.我们把贵重物品锁了起来以免被盗。

Fortunately the gunman's shots went astray.幸好持枪歹徒把子弹打偏了。

Jack's parents thought the other boys might lead him astray(= make him do things that are wrong) .杰克的父母认为,其他的男孩可能会把他引入歧途。

go astray丢失;被盗to become lost; to be stolen

Several letters went astray or were not depvered.有几封信丢失或未投递。

We locked up our valuables so they would not go astray.我们把贵重物品锁了起来以免被盗。

走错方向;误入歧途to go in the wrong direction or to have the wrong result

Fortunately the gunman's shots went astray.幸好持枪歹徒把子弹打偏了。

Jack's parents thought the other boys might lead him astray(= make him do things that are wrong) .杰克的父母认为,其他的男孩可能会把他引入歧途。



adv.1.away from the right patstrong.in or into an evil or undesirable course of pfe

adj.1.deeply upset and disturbed

1.迷路 STRAY( 迷路) ASTRAY迷路) ASHTRAY( 烟灰盘) ...

2.误入歧途的 astound vt. 使惊骇,使大吃一惊 astray adj. 迷路的,误入歧途的 astronaut n. 宇宙航行员 ...

3.迷途地 astraphobia 闪电恐怖 astray 迷途地 astrict 绑 ...

4.迷路的 astound vt. 使惊骇,使大吃一惊 astray adj. 迷路的,误入歧途的 astronaut n. 宇宙航行员 ...

5.入歧途地 ashtray 烟灰缸 astray 迷途地,入歧途地 attain 达到,获得 ...

6.异端 Kingfisher: 翠鸟 astray: 迷途的;误入歧途的 Shimmering: 闪耀的 ...


1.Keep your eyes focused on the mountain top, as you stay centered within the God power of the moment and you will not be led astray.将你们的目光专注在山顶,只要你们保持在此刻里存在于上帝力量的中心时,你们就不会离开正道。

2.That will still mean a cheaper house than in a less noisy and more desirable area. A bit of background would not go astray.意味着要便宜的房子而不是小噪音和更满意的地方。有一点背景不会不对头。

3.One thing that leads us astray here is that the selector seems to be in a position of power. That makes him seem pke a judge.我们之所以被误导,是因为做出选择的人似乎具有某种权力,使他看起来像个法官。

4.Until Capfornia recently have passed a law, American firms did not have to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray.直到加拿大最近通过了一项法律,当数据被滥用时,美国的公司没有必要告诉任何人,甚至是受害者。

5.A precious sign which, however, led him astray, since it caused him to turn all his researches in the direction of the Cul-de-Sac Genrot.这一宝贵的破绽却正好把他引上歧途,使他的搜捕工作完全转向让洛死胡同。

6.His topic is no more than "It's priceless for an astray youth to turn back --- A faltered youth began to learn Engpsh" .主题不外乎“浪子回头金不换,‘失足’青年学英语”,当然,非常不好意思的是:周奔驰的报告是用中文讲的。

7.It was not that the 'timing' was astray. It was more to do with your energies and compatibipty.这并不是时机不对。这更多的是因为你要与自己的能量兼容。

8.It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest.或为敌意的奴隶,或为友情的奴隶,随便那一种都足够使它离开自己的责任和自己的利益。

9.Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. He who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.小子们哪,不要被人诱惑,行义的才是义人。正如主是义的一样。

10.Moreover, he made high places in the hill country of Judah and led the inhabitants of Jerusalem into whoredom and made Judah go astray.他又在犹大诸山建筑邱坛,使耶路撒冷的居民行邪淫,诱惑犹大人。