




1.在山脚下 yelped 尖叫。 at the bottom of the hill 在山脚下; bad dream 噩梦; ...


1.But what irked him wasn't a green graveyard at the bottom of the hill. It was that other ghost out of his childhood.但使他烦恼的可不是山脚的这一片绿色坟场,而是他童年的另一个鬼影。

2.The next day some farmer boys found Henry at the bottom of the hill. His body was broken. There was a soft happy smile on his face.第二天几个农夫在谷底发现了亨利,他的身体已经摔坏了,但是他的脸上却带着幸福的祥和的笑容。

3.Rats by the thousands are at his heels, and as he sees the waterfront at the bottom of the hill, he panics and starts to run for the bridge.上千只老鼠紧跟着他,当他看见山脚下有一个码头区,惊慌以极,他开始朝着船桥跑去。

4.I reached the pne of pollarded willows at the bottom of the hill, crossed a dry ditch and cpmbed through a barbed wire fence.我来到山脚下那排截头柳树前,跨过一条干涸的沟渠,然后爬过一道用带刺铁丝网做的篱笆。

5.He remembered the fountain at the bottom of the hill where he went with his mother to fetch water, holding on to her trousers.他记得在水池底部山与母亲走到哪里去找水,抱着她的裤子。

6.AT the bottom of the hill, six poplar trees swayed in the wind, graceful as girls with their long hair.在山脚下,六棵杨树在风中摇曳,像披着长发的少女一般优雅。

7.At the bottom of the hill, it started going round the traffic circle the wrong way.到山脚下后,它开始沿着错路进入交通圈。

8.I found the city is really beautiful while I was seeing it at the bottom of the hill.从山底看那座城市时,我发现它很美丽

9.The road bears to the right at the bottom of the hill.这条路向右延伸至山。

10.At the bottom of the hill he trunked onto his street and felt a rush of pride.到达山底上了街道,他有一种强烈的自豪感。