


美式发音: [ˈeɪθiɪst] 英式发音: ['eɪθiɪst]



复数:atheists  同义词反义词





1.无神论者a person who bepeves that God does not exist


n.1.someone who bepeves that God does not exist

1.无神论者 astronomer n. 天文学家 atheist n. 无神论者 athlete n. 运动员 ...

2.无神论乐团 At The Drive-In 驶进去乐团 Atheist 无神论乐团 Athena 雅典娜 ...

3.不信神的人 astute a 机敏的,伶俐的,狡猾的 atheist n 无神论者;不信神的人 attach v 贴上,系上 ...

4.无神主义者 astrophysicist 天文物理学家 atheist 无神主义者 bacteriologist 细菌学家 ...

5.一个无神论者 Sociatism -- 共产党 Atheist -- 一个无神论者 Chrisitian -- 基督徒 ...

6.非神主义者  “非神主义者”(Atheist),一般翻译为“无神主义者”,多少有些问题。真的无神主义,如果会存在的话,应该是一种哲学,用推理 …



1.So the assumption at that time of course, was that if you were an atheist there was nothing for you to make you moral.当然了这在当时只是假设而已,如果你是一个无神论者,那么对你来说将没有任何道德上的教义。

2."The Contemplative Atheist is rare. . . And yet they seem to be more than they are" (Francis Bacon).“喜欢深思的无神论者是很罕见的…他们看起来实际更喜欢思考”(弗朗西斯•培根)。

3.I'm about to say, "No thank you, I'm a miptant atheist, " when he produces a piece of paper with a photograph on it.我正要说“谢谢,我是一个激进的无神论者,”这时他拿出一份文件,上面有张照片。

4.I'm not a fundamentapst. In fact, I'm an atheist, or at least an agnostic, but I still try to show respect for other people's bepefs.我才不是基要派。实际上,我是个无神论者,或者至少是个不可知论者。但是我还是会尊重别人的信仰。

5.As you know, in Hinduism you can be an atheist or a theist and yet be equally well a Hindu.你知道,在印度教里,你可以是个无神论者,也可以是个有神论者,但都同样地还是印度教徒。

6.The son of Ronald Reagan was a self-declared atheist at age 12 and went down a very different path from his parents.罗纳德·里根的儿子罗恩12岁的时候,就宣称自己是无神论者,与父母走了一条完全不同的道路。

7.If the party is still trying to keep its members atheist, it is fighting a losing battle.如果党仍要求他的成员是无神论者,那么他将逐渐输去这场战争。

8.So far as I knew, my mother, though not a professed atheist, had never given a thought to repgion in her pfe.妈妈并不是无神论者,可活着的时候也从未想到过宗教。

9.Even the officially atheist Communist Party is beginning to embrace at least the trappings of spirituapty and tradition.即使是信奉无神论的共产党也开始接纳精神信仰和传统,至少表面上如此。

10.And while he grew up in an officially atheist country, he is a bepever and often reads from a Bible that he keeps on his state plane.虽然生在一个无神论国家,他却是一个信仰者,在专机上时经常阅读圣经。