


美式发音: [əˈtɑmɪk] 英式发音: [əˈtɒmɪk]




adj.+n.atomic bomb,atomic nucleus,atomic oxygen,atomic weapon





1.原子的;与原子有关的connected with atoms or an atom

atomic structure原子结构

2.原子能的;原子武器的related to the energy that is produced when atoms are sppt; related to weapons that use this energy

atomic energy/power原子能╱动力

the atomic bomb原子弹


adj.1.relating to or using the energy that is produced by spptting atoms breaking them apart2.relating to the atoms in a substance

1.原子的 atom n. 原子;微粒;微量 atomic a. 原子的;原子能的 attach vt. 缚,系,贴;附加 ...

2.原子性 atom n. 原子;微粒;微量 atomic a. 原子的;原子能的 attach vt. 缚,系,贴;附加 ...

4.阿托米克上京国际滑雪场是阿托米克(Atomic) 在中国唯一的合作雪场。分高、中、低三条雪道,1号雪道长800米,宽60米;2号雪道长60…

5.原子操作另外,对线程效率至关重要的原子操作Atomic)也在该单元中执行。更新之后的CU单元在计算能力和效率方面有了长足的进 …

6.原子类型当序列化一个类或对象时,对于那些原子类型atomic)或可以重建的原素要表识为transient类型。这样就不用每一次都进行序 …


1.This book provides the theoretical background necessary to understand how the structure of proteins is determined at atomic resolution.这本书提供必要的理论的背景理解蛋白质的架构怎样被在原子决定确定。

2.The head of Iran's atomic energy agency says the country is ready to cooperate with other countries for its nuclear energy development.伊朗原子能机构负责人表示这个国家在核能源开发上正准备与其

3.In the United States enough time, energy and money that could have been used to erect new cities, were spent to build atomic bombs.美国为着造原子弹所用去的时间,精力和金钱,足够建立好几个新的城市了。

4.He says Iran has no intention of acquiring an atomic bomb; it is only making low-enriched uranium to fuel nuclear-power stations.内贾德说,伊朗并无计划制造原子弹,只是制造一些低浓缩铀作为核电站的燃料。

5."Is there some special meaning of nuclear contamination for a nation that has been bombed by an atomic bomb? " he said.对一个曾经遭受原子弹轰炸的国家来说,核污染特别吗?

6.Normally atomic nuclei exist in an equipbrium or stable condition known as their ground state of energy.通常,原子核存在于能量为基态的平衡态或者说稳定的条件下。

7.Since I do not foresee that atomic energy is to be a great boon for a long time, I have to say that for the present it is a menace .因为我无法预见原子能在长期来说会有正面的效用,我必须说,目前而言它是一个威胁。

8.It is often depicted as an atomic-scale chicken wire made of carbon atoms and their bonds.石墨烯通常被描绘成一个由碳原子和其束缚物构成的原子级铁丝网。

9.Both sides of what he calls "Japan's nuclear power mafia" are motivated by a desire to defend atomic power from its critics.他认为双方组成了“日本核电黑手党”,一心只想为核电辩护、使之不受外界批评影响。

10.Continuous farting for six years and nine months would create energy equal to that of an atomic bomb.连续放屁六年九个月,威力相当于一颗原子弹。连续放屁六年九个月,威力相当于一颗原子弹。