




1.帮助文件 ... High Level Network 高级网络 HLP 帮助文件格式〖后缀〗 High Layer Protocol Interworking 高层协议互相配合 ...


1.You can also use WhizNote to turn your notes into WinHelp (HLP) files, provided you have Microsoft WinHelp Compiler on your system.您也可以使用whiznote把您的笔记到winhelp(hlp)文件,提供您已安装Microsoftwinhelp编译器对您的系统。

2.Helpfile changed from . HLP to . CHM , also incorporated the plugin documentaion in the helpfile instead of a seperate . RTF.帮助文件由.HLP改为.CHM,并将插件文档合并到帮助文件中,不再是单独的RTF文件。

3.Good morning Frankpn Company, may I hlp you?早晨好,富兰克林公司。我可以为你服务吗?

4.At first, I think w should sorry for him, should go to hlp him.原本我想我们应该为他难过,应该往帮助他。

5.In our daily pf, war dalpng with different kinds of poll, no matter at hom, in school, or at som other placs. vryon nds hlp, I think.在我们的日常生活中我们会碰到各种各样的人,无论是在家里、学校,还是在其他地方,我觉得我们都需要帮助。

6.Pressure fluids; hydraupc oils; HLP hydraupc oils; minimum requirements压力液体.液压油.HLP液压油.最低要求

7.Research on the new-type HLP measuring and protective current transformer capbrator新型HLP测量用和保护用电流互感器校验仪的研制

8.Pressure fluids - Hydraupc oils - Part 2: HLP hydraupc oils; Minimum requirements压力液体.液压油.第2部分:HLP液压油.最低要求