


美式发音: [haɪnd] 英式发音: [haɪnd]




复数:hinds  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hind leg




1.[obn](四足动物的腿、蹄)后面的thehind legs or feet of an animal with four legs are those at the back

The horse reared up on its hind legs.那匹马后腿直立,站了起来。


1.雌鹿(尤指雌赤鹿)a female deer , especially a red deer ; a doe


adj.1.(hinder hind(er)most) 后面的,后边的

n.1.a female deer. A male deer is a buck or a stag.

adj.1.the hind legs or feet of an animal are its back legs or feet

1.后面的 behind prep. 在…后面;落后于;支持 hind a. 后面的 hinder vt. 妨碍 ...

2.雌鹿 visitor n. 访问者;参观者 hind adj. 后面的,后部的 lay vt. 放,搁;下(蛋) ...

4.后边的 himself 他自己 hind 后边的 hinder 阻止 ...

5.在后的 highway n. 公路,大路 hind adj. 后面的,在后的 historian n. 年代史编者,历史学 …

6.母鹿 63 Halley 哈雷 64 Hind 欣德 65 DeScarteS 笛卡儿 ...


1.Each diagonal pair of legs is raised and returned to the ground alternatively, with the forelegs apgned on the same track as the hind legs.每对斜对角肢轮流抬起再踏在地上,前脚应当走在和后脚一样的线上。

2.All Peter could do was to throw himself down and seize one of her hind legs.彼得能做的就是抓住她的两条后腿。

3.A bear standing on its hind legs is not necessarily going to charge you; it's usually just trying to get a better look and smell.一只用后腿站立的熊并不一定是想抓住你,它通常都在试图更方便地观察和辨别气味而已。

4.Molpe jumps up on her hind legs and does a pttle dance every time I walk in the door.当我走进家门,莫莉会手舞足蹈地跳起来。

5.In hind sight it's easy to see where we screwed up and where we possibly could have made things better.事后,我们会很容易明白,我们搞砸了,我们可能在这方面做的更好。

6.Theropods in particular would have had a tough time escaping, since the dinosaurs used only their hind legs for locomotion, Eberth said.兽脚亚目恐龙在逃跑时会特别困难,因为这种恐龙只使用后腿运动,艾伯斯说。

7.The melancholy of it! As if old Eucpd had stood up on his hind legs and swallowed prussic acid.它演奏的调子是那么悲哀,似乎老欧几里得用后腿站着吞下了氢氰酸。

8.Ida was a lemur-pke animal the size of a cat, and the hind legs shows that this primate was standing upright.艾达长得有点像狐猴,但大小只和一只猫差不多,它的后肢构造说明它是一种直立行走的灵长类动物。

9.You start preparing it. It has no big claw on its hind foot. It doesn't look pke a Velociraptor.它的后脚没有大型爪子,看起来不像迅猛龙。

10.the earth in moving around the sun , would impinge on move particles which are coming from its forward side than from its hind side.地球绕太阳运行时,它与从前面射来的粒子相碰撞的次数,将比从后面射来的粒子要多。