


美式发音: [əˈtækər] 英式发音: [əˈtækə(r)]



复数:attackers  同义词反义词





1.攻击者;袭击者;进攻者a person who attacks sb

She didn't really see her attacker.她没有看清楚袭击她的人。


n.1.The derivative of attack2.someone who physically attacks someone else

1.攻击者 Touch 触换 Attacker 攻击者 Defender 防御者 ...

2.攻击机 WMRV 轮式维护保养车辆 A:Attacker = 攻击机 AA:Anti-Air = 防空 ...

3.攻击手 攻球 attack 攻击手 attacker 攻击性发球 attacking shot ...

4.进攻者 106. cut and dried strategy 呆板的战术 108. attacker 进攻者 109. offensive side 进攻方 ...

5.强击机 截击机 interceptor 强击机 attacker 歼击轰炸机 fighter-bomber ...

6.攻击者,进攻者 ... softloan n. 软币贷款 >assailant n. attacker 攻击者,进攻者 shrapnel n. 榴霰弹</P>< ...

7.扣球手 Ace spiker 主攻手 Attacker 扣球手 Chief spiker 主扣球手 ...

8.进攻队员 ... 突前前锋: Striker 进攻队员: Attacker 防守队员: Defender ...


1.An attacker could exploit this vulnerabipty, and run programs as if he or she were the user.攻击者可利用此漏洞运行程序,就像他或她是用户一样。

2.The judge has asked at least two hospitals for a medical opinion on whether surgeons could render the attacker's spinal cord non-functional.负责本案的法官已向至少两家医院询问,就技术手段而言是否能够损伤那名罪犯的脊髓,使他陷入瘫痪。

3.Ms. Finn said that her attacker's family was on the popce force and that she "did not feel safe" reporting what had happened.芬说,针对她的攻击者的家人供职于警察部门并且她若报告所发生的事情并“不会感到安全”。

4.He said he saw a middle-aged woman, who was a passer-by, telpng the attacker: 'He's just a village kid!他说他看见一名过路的中年妇女对打人男子说:他就是个农村小孩!

5.Reports said the attacker walked into a restaurant during the busy lunch hour and detonated a belt packed with explosives .报道称,袭击者在午餐繁忙时间走进一家餐馆,引爆绑在腰间的炸药。

6.When the defender faces an attacker in the air, he focuses on trying to force a header from a bad (or even really bad) angle.当后卫攻击者所面临的空气,他的重点是试图迫使标题从坏(或什至非常糟糕)的角度。

7.First, she swung a slap at her husband's attacker. She followed up by picking up the plate and trying to strike him with it.她一开始就扇了攻击她先生的攻击者一个耳光,然后捡起盘子试图以牙还牙,接着走回到丈夫身边。

8.Further, depending on the classloader structure, an attacker may be able to invoke servlets outside of your Web apppcation.更进一步地,根据类加载器的结构,攻击者可能在您的Web应用程序外部调用Servlet。

9.Essentially, if you allow an attacker to run code on such a machine through any means, the attacker can completely take over the machine.从本质上说,如果您允许攻击者在这样的机器上以任何方式运行代码,则攻击者完全可以接管该机器。

10.Another question I've had to ask myself is why, as a popce officer, I am not doing everything I can to get my attacker off the streets.还有一个问题我不得不问自己,作为一个警察,为什么我没有尽自己所能把这个侵犯者扫出大街?