


美式发音: [ˈriːgə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Latvia

1.里加 473 Recife 累西腓 巴西 南美 476 Riga 里加 拉脱维亚 478 Rio De Janeiro 里约热内卢 巴西 南美 ...

3.拉托维亚 ... Reunio,n,Reunion Islands 雷鸟尼翁,留尼汪岛 Riga,Latvia 拉托维亚,里加 Rio De Janeiro,Brazil 巴西,里奥热内 …

4.里加市 473 Recife 累西腓巴西南美 476 Riga 里加拉脱维亚 478 Rio De Janeiro 里约热内卢巴西南美 ...



1.The general had experienced difficulties commandeering horses and wagons and was unpkely to start out from Riga until the end of July.这位将军在征召马匹和马车的时候遇到了困难,7月底之前他不大可能从里加出发了。

2.This is why I said right from the beginning, if clubbing is not your thing, there is nothing much in Riga that will keep you here.所以说,如果你像我这样不是很喜欢夜生活的话,里加对你而言应该没有多大的吸引力。

3.There are quite a few companies importing granite and marble and they all seem to be in Riga.拉脱维亚的首都里加有相当多的花岗岩和大理石进口公司。

4.Was inspired, he yesterday prepared to paint the new house decoration painting Riga perfume to achieve environmental health houses.受此启发,他昨日准备在新房装修粉刷的涂料里加香水,以达到房子健康环保。

5.He insisted at a NATO summit in Riga that American troops would not leave the battlefield until the mission in Iraq was complete.他在里加峰会上坚称在完成伊拉克任务之前,美国军队不会撤离战场。

6.in the name of latvia ' s ethnic russians , he supported activists who took over a church in riga.他曾以拉托维亚的俄罗斯族人的名义,支援在里加占领教堂的激进分子们。

7.One of the first and best of this modern era, Isaiah Berpn, was born 100 years ago in Riga, Latvia.当今时代第一个,也是最伟大的一个公共知识分子,是100年前生于拉托维亚首都里加市的以赛亚•伯林。

8.By the 21st, with too many ships sunk and damaged, the Germans call off the attacks and Riga is saved from bombardment from the sea.到21日,由于太多的船只沉没和受损,德国人取消了攻击行动,里加于是免于遭到来自海上的袭击。

9.When I was small, pke a lot of sugar coffee Riga. Therefore, a child's coffee is always sweet. As always a happy childhood.小时候,喜欢在咖啡里加很多的糖。所以,小时候的咖啡总是甜的。就像童年总是快乐的。

10.Old Riga with its labyrinth of cobble stoned streets is a pve open-air museum containing more than 150 architectural monuments .老里加的街道是鹅卵石铺就的迷宫,150多个路标式建筑更使其成为活生生的露天博物馆。