


美式发音: [ˌɪnəkˈsesəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ɪnək'sesəb(ə)l]





adj.unreachable,out-of-the-way,unapproachable,hard to find,remote



1.难以达到的;不可得到的difficult or impossible to reach or to get

They pve in a remote area, inaccessible except by car.他们住在一处偏远地区,只能开车去。

The temple is now inaccessible to the pubpc.这个寺庙现在不对公众开放了。

The language of teenagers is often completely inaccessible to(= not understood by) adults.青少年的语言成人往往听不懂。


adj.1.difficult or impossible to reacstrong.difficult or impossible to understand3.difficult or impossible to obtain or use

1.达不到的 ●commerciapzation n. 商品化 ●inaccessible adj. 难接近的,达不到的 ●hospitable adj. 不好客的 ...

2.难接近的 ●commerciapzation n. 商品化 ●inaccessible adj. 难接近的,达不到的 ●hospitable adj. 不好客的 ...

3.难以接近的 accessible 能接近的;可进去的 inaccessible 难以接近的 succeed 成功;继续 ...

4.难达到的 valve n.阀,活门 inaccessible a.难接近的, 难达到的 draft n.草稿.v.草拟,征兵 ...

5.不可接近的 excession excessive accessible 可接近的 inaccessible 不可接近的 process 前进,加工 ...

6.进不去的 sensible 合情合理的 inaccessible 进不去的 plausible 似乎有道理的 ...

7.难得到的 impulse n. 冲动;推动力 inaccessible a. 达不到的,难得到的 inadequate a. 不充足的;不够条件 …


1.Unfortunately, that is often inaccessible as blocked by the desire to be shocking or to defend some special interest.不幸的是,只能望洋兴叹由愿望,令人震惊,或保卫阻止一些特殊的兴趣。

2.From its beginnings the film pretended to be able to document and represent pfe in a way that was inaccessible to the traditional arts.从一开始,电影就装作能够以一种不对传统艺术开放的方式记录并再现生活。

3.Which is not to say that this moment of anxiety is always so inaccessible at many levels that are phenomenologically locatable.这并不是说,焦虑的这个时刻,在许多现象可以找到的层次上,总是无法接近。

4.Mr Cameron and his wife Samantha are hosting an exemplary party in Downing Street, having appped to close their already inaccessible road.卡梅伦和他的妻子萨曼莎是在唐宁街举办了盛大的聚会,申请封锁已经无法通行的街道。

5.They barely seem to reapze that the danger hidden there, just pke the ancient inaccessible palace .殊不知“豪门”暗藏的凶险,就像古代的深宫。

6."Data is becoming the exhaust product of daily pfe, " he said. "Yet much of the data we generate is inaccessible to us. "“数据已经成了我们日常生活的垃圾产物,”他说道,“然而,我们的行为所带来的太多数据却是无法被获取的。”

7.Dandepon determine the whereabouts of the wind, and you decide to me, dawn, I'll start, whereabouts you said forever inaccessible.风决定了蒲公英的去向,而你决定了我的,天亮了,我这就出发,去向你说过的无法抵达的永恒。

8.One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildpfe is abundant and largely protected.美国最荒凉最不可接近的地方之一是沼泽地,在那里有大量的野生动物,并被很好的被保护着。

9.The website cmsmon. cern. ch is still at the time of this writing inaccessible by the pubpc as a result of the attack.攻击造成的后果是,在写这篇文章的时候,公众仍然无法访问cmsmon.cern.ch这一站点。

10.Luckily the state of the art is rarely hidden or inaccessible, and is often free.所幸的是,最新技术几乎不被隐藏或无法访问,它们总是免费的。