



美式发音: [əˈtækər] 英式发音: [əˈtækə(r)]



复数:attackers  同义词反义词





n.1.The derivative of attack2.someone who physically attacks someone else

1.攻击者 Reserve Squad 预备队 Attackers 前锋 Left Sided 左边的 ...

4.攻击方 Scene 画面 Attackers 攻击方 Defenders 防守方 ...


6.攻击手 ... 联合之星 United Stars 攻击手 Attackers 康科迪亚 FC Concordia ...


1.He said he wants the authorities to take the harshest measures allowed by law against the attackers and those who helped them.他表示,他希望当局政府在法律所允许的最大范围内采取最严厉的措施来对付袭击者以及其它帮凶。

2.Leaving any sort of information around on your system can help potential attackers.把任何类型的信息留在系统上都可能帮助潜在攻击者。

3.In response what seemed to be the whole community, including old women, rushed out with swords and sticks to fight the attackers.面对袭击,整个社区的居民包括老年妇女,都冲出家门用剑及棍棒反抗袭击者。

4.What's more, SQL injection is one of many common avenues of assault that allows attackers to take complete control of a relational database.更严重的是,SQL注入是攻击者能够完全控制关系型数据库的攻击手段之一。

5.Next, take a look at some of the tools attackers use to break into a system.接下来,研究一下攻击者用来闯入系统的一些工具。

6.He said he wants the authorities to take the hashes harshest measures loud allowed by law against the attackers and those who helped them.他说,希望民众采取法律允许范围内最严厉的手段惩罚那些袭击者和其同伙。

7.Reuters producer Guy Desmond, who was also on the bus, said at least two of the attackers had pistols and one had a knife.同样坐在巴士上的,来自路透社的格伊·德斯蒙德说,至少两名袭击者持有手枪,一人持刀。

8.After all, one of their jobs is to make sure that computers used by the U. S. Department of Defense are secure against determined attackers.毕竟,他们的工作之一就是要确保美国国防部使用的计算机在面临没完没了的攻击时保持安全。

9.He was one of the first eyewitnesses as attackers took control of the Jewish outreach center late Wednesday night.他是星期三深夜袭击者占领那个犹太人活动中心的首批目击者之一。

10.The attackers used their rockets to destroy at least two Lockheed P-3C Orion aircraft, used for maritime patrolpng, and a hepcopter.攻击者用他们的火箭摧毁至少两个洛克希德的P-3C猎户座飞机,海上巡逻使用,一架直升飞机。