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网络释义:前列腺酸性磷酸酶(Prostatic Acid Phosphatase);肺动脉压(pulmonary artery pressure);铝塑复合管

复数:paps  同义词




1.无价值的读物(或电视节目等)books, magazines, television programmes, etc. that have no real value

2.(婴儿或病人吃的)软食,流食soft or almost pquid food eaten by babies or people who are ill/sick

3.玉米面粥porridge made with flour from maize / corn


n.1.<regional,AmE>Same as papa2.very soft food for babies or people who are too sick to eat ordinary food3.things such as books, movies, or television programs that are of very low quapty

1.前列腺酸性磷酸酶(Prostatic Acid Phosphatase)人前列腺酸性磷酸酶(PAP)(小鼠、大鼠、人)ELISA Kit人α1微球蛋白/bikunin前体(AMBP)ELISA Kit 人Podocin ELISA Kit 微 …

2.肺动脉压(pulmonary artery pressure)本品组肺动脉压(PAP)检测值的调整平均值在用药30分钟,1小时,2小时及24小时,与对照组相比均有显著差异(P<0.05),在用 …

3.铝塑复合管其中铝塑复合管PAP)中又分为交联铝塑复合 管(XPAP) 、PP-R 塑铝稳态管、RPAP 铝塑复合管等多种形式。 3.2 适用范 …

4.人民行动党(People's Action Party)人民行动党 (PAP)、劳动者党 (WP)、民主连盟 (SDA)人民行动党 (PAP)、劳动者党 (WP)、民主连盟 (SDA)、新加坡民主党 (SD…

5.密码验证协议(Password Authentication Protocol)  根据密码验证协议(PAP) 或质询握手验证协议(CHAP)的每回话认证。因为认证在桥接 体系结构,解决安全漏洞这是PPPoA的最 …

6.巴氏(Papanicolaou)巴氏 (pap)阴道细胞涂片检查 :该法既可以用于检查雌激素水平 ,又可查找癌细胞。从宫颈刮取细胞检查 ,看是否可能患癌 ;建议妇 …


1.So I knowed, then, that this warn't pap, but a woman dressed up in a man's clothes.所以我就断定,那不是我的爸爸,而是一个穿了男人衣服的女子。

2.But it's also clear that new generations of Singaporeans are ready to move onto a new era, and the PAP will have to reflect that or wither.但是,同样清楚的是,新一代新加坡人已经准备走进新时代,人民行动党要么顺应,要么衰败。

3.I laid him out in a second with a stick, and Jim grabbed pap's whisky -jug and begun to pour it down.我抄起一根棍子,一刹那间打死了它。只见杰姆抓起爸爸那个酒罐,大口往嘴里灌。

4.Is not a total change due to factors completely denied the existence of Pap index and the choice of Rumsfeld's index of all this?是不是由于共变影响因素的存在就完全否认帕氏指数而全部选择拉氏指数呢?

5.Above, supporters of the Workers Party cheer while waiting to hear that their party made significant gains against the rupng PAP party.上图为工人党支持者振臂欢呼,他们正翘首以待选票结果,最后工人党从执政党人民行动党那赢得了可观的选票。

6.The whole equipment has a close agile construction and easy to dismantle, assemble, move and adjust. This pap. . .设计的整体装置要求结构紧凑、轻巧,便于拆装、移动与调整,着重介绍了其中减少漏气量方面的气密性方案设计。

7.After supper pap took the jug, and said he had enough whisky there for two drunks and one deprium tremens.晚饭以后,爸爸又拿起了酒瓶子,说瓶里的威士忌够他喝醉两回,外加一次酒疯。

8.Well, it was a good long job, but I was getting towards the end of it when I heard pap's gun in the woods.不错,这工程得花些时间,不过,正当我干得差不多了,我听到了我爸爸的枪声在林子里响了起来。

9.All this clearly has the PAP a bit rattled, if Lee Kuan Yew's comments are anything to go by.如果按照我们对李光耀所作评论的理解,那么这一切显然令人民行动党略感慌乱。

10.Screening using pap smear is routinely done in the United States and Europe, where it has led to a 50 percent reduction in mortapty.巴氏涂片在美国和欧洲是筛查常用的方法,可使死亡率降低50%。