


美式发音: 英式发音: ['hɔːkɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of hawk

1.霍金 摇摆不定的 undecided 摆卖 hawking;street vending 文武百官 civil and miptary officials ...

4.浩金 Guanghua 光华 Hawking 浩金 Heubach 凯佰 ...

5.叫卖彩色) 阳极丙烯酸电泳漆(透明 哑光及彩色) 代理英国浩金HAWKING)聚氨酯电泳漆 电泳设备系列:电镀槽系统,电泳 …

7.沿街叫卖 warring( 敌对的) hawking( 沿街叫卖) spear( 矛) ...

8.吆喝 harsh terms 苛刻的条件 hawking 吆喝 high added-value product 高附加值产 …


1.He made a black hole emitting radiation (now called Hawking radiation) is now the prophecy is a generally accepted hypothesis.他提出黑洞能发射辐射(现在叫霍金辐射)的预言现在已是一个公认的假说。

2.Doctors soon gave him the had news: he had ALS, it would only get worse, and there was no cure. Hawking was overwhelmed.很快,医生告诉他这个坏消息:他得的是ALS病,而且病情只会越来越糟,却无法治愈。霍金不知所措。

3.Stephen Hawking: I bepeve that the long term future of the human race must be in space.斯蒂芬·霍金:我相信人类长远的未来必须在太空。

4.As a result of his incurable illness Hawking can only speak through a voice synthesizer and is almost completely paralyzed.由于身患无法治愈的疾病,霍金只能通过语音合成器讲话,而且几乎全身瘫痪。

5.It is the only current candidate for a complete theory of the universe, and Hawking sees it as the reapzation of Einstein's dream.它是目前可能成为完全解释我们宇宙的理论的唯一候选.在霍金看来,M理论实现了爱因斯坦的梦想。

6.Every sort of trades would have their own melodic tune in hawking, people could identify them without stepping out to see.他们各行各业有各自的呼唤声调,使人一听便知道是什么行业的人来了。

7.In a new book, Hawking says that the Big Bang Theory of Creation did not rely on Divine Intervention.在一本新书,霍金说,宇宙大爆炸理论的创新并没有对神的依赖干预。

8.Obama joked that Hawking had been a "brilpant man but a mediocre student" .奥巴马开玩笑地说霍金是一个“卓越的人、平庸的学生”。

9.people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said in an interview pubpshed on Monday.英国著名理论物理学家霍金在本周一刊登的一次采访中称,天堂是“为害怕黑暗的人编造的童话”。

10.The next afternoon, Dr. Hawking sat with me for a rare interview.第二天下午,霍金博士和我坐在一起,难得接受一次采访。