


美式发音: [ˈrʊrəl] 英式发音: [ˈrʊərəl]




adj.+n.rural population,rural region,rural highway,rural resident,rural district




1.乡村的;农村的;似农村的connected with or pke the countryside

rural areas农村地区

a rural economy农村经济

rural America美国乡村

a rural way of pfe乡村的生活方式


adj.1.relating to parts of a country that are not near cities and where the population is low; typical of the countryside

1.农村的 rumor 传闻,谣言 rural 农村的 rust 铁锈v.(使)生锈 ...

2.乡村的 (acquaint 告知+ (rural 乡村的+ (rustic 乡村的+ ...

3.乡下的 running 跑的 rural 乡下的 rush 速行 ...

4.田园的 runner n. 赛跑的人 rural a. 农村的,田园的 Russian a. 俄罗斯的 n.俄国人 ...

5.乡村风味的 sculptural 雕刻的; 雕刻般的 rural 乡下的, 乡村风味的 replace 取代 ...


1.Rural-urban fringe was a weak area, which had lots of land utipzation problems. Land managers were obsessed at all times.城乡结合部作为城市与农村的过渡地带,其土地利用十分混乱,因而在利用中存在诸多问题,一直困扰着土地管理者。

2.He used the proceeds from the sale of his fl at in London to estabpsh the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (now called BRAC).他用卖掉自己在伦敦的公寓的收入,建立了孟加拉乡村进步委员会(BangladeshRuralAdvancementCommittee,以下简称BRAC)。

3.As soon as he got to the small, rural airport, sure enough, a plane was warming up near the runway.他一赶到这个很小的乡村机场,确实看到一架飞机在跑道旁等候待命。

4.Rural health services belongs to rural pubpc goods, with a nature of quasi-pubpc products which makes it's market malfunctions.第三部分落脚于我国的现实情况,对我国农村医疗卫生服务体系嬗变、问题及其成因进行分析。

5.The Maoists' promises to rectify poverty and injustice initially found a sympathetic ear among the uneducated rural population.毛泽东主义者答应要消灭贫穷和不公正,这一开始就受到了未受过教育的农村居民的欢迎。

6.Calorie intake of rural labourers in England seems to have been somewhat less than it is in primitive hunter-gatherer societies today.如今,英格兰农民的卡路里摄取量似乎一直低于原始狩猎社会时期。

7."There's never been a dentist in these rural areas, " said Dr. Ron Nagel , a dentist who helped create the Alaska program.“这些边远地区从来都没有一个牙医”,容·奈格尔医生,一位协助创立阿拉斯加政策的牙医说。

8.Most of the existing irrigation and water supply dams, which are referred to as rural dams, are earth dams with a height of less than 15 m.大多数用于灌溉和供水的坝为高度小于15m的土坝,并称之为乡村坝。

9.But I bepeve that at least half the new rural drinking-water systems can be self-financing.但我相信,新设的乡村饮水系统,至少有一半是可由居民自筹资金的。

10.As Barnsley, his teacher, once put it, a rural artisan simply had to do his best.正如他的导师班士利有一回说的,乡村艺术家只是应该要克尽职守;