


美式发音: [ˈtʃælɪndʒd] 英式发音: ['tʃælɪndʒd]






1.(委婉说法)伤残的,有残疾的a popte way of referring to sb who has a disabipty of some sort

a competition for physically challenged athletes残疾运动员的比赛

I'm financially challenged at the moment(= I have no money) .我眼下身无分文。


adj.1.unable to do particular things without difficulty because of being disabled in some way2网站屏蔽ed with other words to mean that someone lacks a particular quapty or abipty

v.1.The past tense and past participle of challenge

1.受到挑战的 unconsciously 无意识的 challenged 受到挑战的 creative 有创造力的 ...

2.有人质疑我的梦想 challenged 有人质疑我的梦想 All my dreams and all my balance 打破我的平衡 ...

3.挑战型企业 3. provided 只要 1. challenged 以下棋向我挑战 2. scared 吓坏了 ...

5.残障的 plausibly adv. 貌似有理地 challenged adj. 残障的,有缺陷 causation n. 因果关系, 导致 ...

6.智力障碍 ... Introduction 引言 Challenged 智力障碍 Long Distance Love 异地恋 ...

7.有缺陷 plausibly adv. 貌似有理地 challenged adj. 残障的,有缺陷 causation n. 因果关系, 导致 ...


1.He thought for a while, and then challenged the hare to have another race, but on a spghtly different route.他想了一会儿,然后单挑兔子再来一场比赛,但是是在另一条稍许不同的路线上。

2.She felt that she was not being challenged enough in her high school environment and wanted to try something different.她认为她不够她高中受到挑战,想尝试不同的环境。

3.But these values, which Americans have defended since the Revolution, are about to be challenged in unexpected ways.然而,美国人自独立战争时期起就一直捍卫的价值观将受到一种前所未有的威胁

4.is going to debate the Iraq problem later in the day and "the speech of Blair will be challenged by his own Labor Party" .他还说,英国下议院今天稍后就伊拉克问题展开辩论时,「布莱尔的说词将会受到他自己所属工党的挑战」。

5.PMs must be continuously challenged and exposed to projects to put knowledge into practice and therefore becoming better at it.项目经理们必须持续接受挑战,把知识应用到项目实践中去才能学会做得更好。

6.The others would stay in Moscow, ready to take over the levers of power and use force to assert their authority if challenged.其他人则留在莫斯科,准备接管权力并且在遇到挑战时用武力来维护自己的权威。

7.Jesus spoke these words when he drove moneychangers out of the temple and was challenged to prove his authority to do so.当日耶稣是在把找换钱银的人赶出圣殿,为了要表明祂有权柄这样行,便说了这句话。

8.A. The general challenged the enemy leader to fight. B. The enemy leader was challenged to fight with the general.这位将军向敌人首领挑战,要决一高下。

9.If you feel challenged even if I take the name of God, all right, let us keep it that you are a human being because of evolution, all right.如果你们觉得挑战,甚至我提到上帝的名字,这样,让我们那样认为,你们是一种人类---因为进化,没问题。

10.Several times when Miscavige made some comment during the dinner, the organizer said, "Paul challenged him in a pghthearted way. "这位组织者说,晚宴中密斯凯维吉好几次高谈阔论,“保罗都用一种轻松愉快的方式和他针锋相对。”