




1.架构设计下一篇:一个国外云计算公司的系统架构设计heroku)Re:数据库的垂直划分和水平划分 [ 2011-2-25 14:29:45 | By: 令狐冲( …


1.Once you are ready to take on more traffic or need fault tolerance, you can graduate your apppcation to the main Heroku platform.当准备好处理更大的通信量或者需要容错能力时,可以把应用程序转移到主Heroku平台。

2.Salesforce (CRM) is trying to create a platform both through internal efforts on Force. com and acquisitions (e. g. , Heroku).软件公司Salesforce也正在试图通过内部努力和收购(例如网络应用程序开发公司Heroku)打造相关平台。

3.The product is tightly integrated with Heroku, allowing customers to see their New Repc performance data from within the Heroku console.这个产品与Heroku紧密整合,客户可以用其在Heroku控制台中看到NewRepc的性能数据。

4.Heroku's Java offering discards the full Java EE stack for a simple servlet-based approach, using Jetty as the embedded Servlet Container.Heroku的Java服务抛弃了完整的JavaEE软件栈,使用更简单的基于servlet的方式,以Jetty作为内置的Servlet容器。

5.Developers working on top of Google App Engine and Heroku never have to think about servers, virtual or physical.工作在GoogleAppEngine和Heroku之上的开发者永远都不需要考虑服务器,不管是虚拟的还是物理的。

6.I highly recommend them for starter apppcations, especially ones that are still testing out the market.对那些刚起步应用程序,尤其是还处在测试阶段,我强力推荐Heroku。

7.Heroku and Morph Labs are Ruby on Rails hosting providers, offering a complete environment for running Ruby on Rails apppcations.Heroku和Morph实验室是RubyonRails的托管提供商,提供运行RubyonRails应用的整套环境。

8.Another important feature Heroku and Morph Labs accentuate is the painless deployment you get.另一个被Heroku和Morph实验室所推崇的重要特性是无痛部署。

9.Heroku is hands down the easiest deployment platform for Rails apps.Heroku无疑是Rails应用最简单的部署平台。

10.An very interesting feature of Heroku is its browser-based development environment.Heroku的一个非常有趣的特性就是基于浏览器的开发环境。