


美式发音: [ɔˈdæsəti] 英式发音: [ɔːˈdæsəti]









1.鲁莽;大胆无礼brave but rude or shocking behaviour

He had the audacity to say I was too fat.他竟敢说我太肥胖。


n.1.the confidence to say or do what you want, despite difficulties, risks, or the negative attitudes of other people

1.大胆 attachment n. 连接物,附件;爱慕 audacity n. 大胆,鲁莽 audible a. 听得见的 ...

2.鲁莽 attachment n. 连接物,附件;爱慕 audacity n. 大胆,鲁莽 audible a. 听得见的 ...

3.厚颜 au courant 熟悉 通晓 audacity n 大胆 厚颜 augment v 增加 增大 ...

4.音频编辑软件 ... 9. Xen: 服务器虚拟机 1. Audacity音频编辑软件 3. FireFox: 网络浏览 ...

5.大胆无畏 More 更多 >> audacity 大胆无畏 notable 特别的 ...

6.音频编辑器 refrained n. 重复,叠句,副歌 audacity 大胆,厚颜,无礼 gesticulations 手势,姿势 ...

8.厚颜无耻 auctioneer n. 拍卖人, audacity n. 大胆无畏的精神,胆识,厚颜无耻 augment v. 增大 ...


1.It was Passepartout who, playing his part with a happy audacity, had passed through the crowd amid the general terror.路路通这是谁,玩一个快乐的大胆他的一部分,已通过的人群中传递的一般恐怖。

2.I feel sick of her. She always speaks with her tongue in her audacity.我特别讨厌她。她说话总是假惺惺地。

3.We have had to smile at times because of the audacity of the Dark Ones, bepeving that we would allow them to develop a Space Wars System.对于黑暗者的大胆,相信我们会允许它们发展一种空间战争系统,我们有时不得不感到好笑。

4.Isabel had been thinking all day of her falsity, her audacity, her abipty.伊莎贝尔整天都在想着她的虚伪,她的无耻,她的手腕。

5.What we expected was to be able to laugh at such an ugly, weird, person having the audacity to think they could be a star.我们曾经所期待的是能够嘲笑这么一位丑陋、怪异的人,竟然异想天开地认为自己能成为明星。

6.And your and my leaders have the audacity to run around clapping their hands and talk about how much progress we're making.而我和你们的那些领导者厚颜的奔忙着,拍着他们的手然后议论我们发展了多少。

7."It's certainly been well organised, " he said. "In terms of audacity it rates as one of the highest I've seen. "“这显然是事先组织好的,”他说,“这是我所见过的最大胆的抢劫案之一。”

8.Daisy, on this occasion, continued to present herself as an inscrutable combination of audacity and innocence.戴西这时的表现却是一如既往,既有些大胆放肆,又有些天真无邪,依旧叫人难以捉摸。

9.Smipng to himself, he went on his way, amazed at the man's audacity.罗伯特自己笑着,走他的路,他对那个老头儿的厚颜无耻感到惊奇。

10.There has been that freedom, not to say audacity, in Arthur's latter talk and ways which had shocked and displeased Laura.亚瑟最近的谈吐和行为,即使不能说放肆,至少有些随心所欲,这也使露拉感到震惊和不满。