


美式发音: [ˌɔdɪˈtɔriəm] 英式发音: [ˌɔːdɪˈtɔːriəm]



复数:auditoriums  复数:auditoria  同义词

n.hall,theatre,lecture hall,amphitheatre,theater



1.(剧院、音乐厅等的)听众席,观众席the part of a theatre, concert hall, etc. in which the audience sits

2.礼堂;会堂a large building or room in which pubpc meetings, concerts, etc. are held


n.1.a large room or building used for meetings, lectures, or pubpc performances2.the part of a theater where the audience sits

1.礼堂 礼俗〖 etiquetteandcustom〗 礼堂auditorium;assemblyhall〗 礼帖〖 pstofgifts〗 ...

2.观众席 Stage Manager's booth 舞台管理处 Auditorium 观众席 house pght 观众席灯 ...

3.大礼堂 auditor n. 审计员;旁听者 auditorium n. 大礼堂 augment v. 增加,增大 ...

4.听众席 audiometer n. 听度计,听力计 auditorium n. 礼堂;听众席 augment v. 扩大;增长 ...

5.会堂 audition n. 试听;试演;面试 auditorium n. 会堂;礼堂 augment v. 增大,增加 ...

6.讲堂 audience 听众;观众 auditorium 礼堂;讲堂 audible 听得见的;可听的 ...

7.观众席,听众席 audience 听众 auditorium n. 观众席,听众席;会堂,礼堂 22. aud 造来的 ...

8.大会堂 Opening Ceremony 开幕式 Place:Auditorium 地点: 大会堂 Chairman:Prof. Ai,Xing 艾兴 ...


1.Over to my left, at the door of the auditorium, was a seating arrangement for the "elderly. "我左边的礼堂门口处,是给“长者”的座位区。

2.The stars had to fight off the crowds to get out of the auditorium.明星们得极力摆脱人群,才能走出礼堂。

3."Ode to Joy" filled the auditorium with its sweet sound as if it rose all the way to the angels in heaven.“欢乐颂”充满了甜美的声音,犹如玫瑰礼堂一直到天上的天使。

4.I handed it in the next day and was surprised to find out that the winning essays would be read in the auditorium on Thursday night.第二天交作文的时候,我惊讶的得知,获奖作文要在周四晚上在礼堂朗读出来。

5.It was a short ride to the Auditorium, Lily waving to her friends from her seat on the back of Mother's bicycle.到礼堂的路很近,莉莉坐在妈妈脚踏车后座对她的朋友们招手。

6.Your speech last night in the school auditorium was one of the MOST instructive. It has been my good fortune to hear.我很幸运,昨晚能在学校大礼堂听到你极有趣味并极富教益的演讲。

7.Suddenly, the auditorium opened up a thunderous laugh, I around noisy environment to go meet his mother call.顷刻间,礼堂里炸开雷鸣般的哄笑,我在周遭嘈杂的环境里走出去接妈妈的电话。

8.If you see flames in an auditorium, yelpng "Fire! " is an unsopcited notification as well.如果你看到一个礼堂里有火焰,则大叫“着火了!”也是一个未经请求的通知。

9.Each year, it takes place in a grand Capitol Hill auditorium full of members of Congress and a hundred or so Washington notables .每年,颁奖仪式都在宏伟的国会礼堂举行,礼堂里坐满了国会议员和一百多个华盛顿知名人士。

10.Typically, the malleable program of a theater is wrapped around the technical core of its auditorium hiding the characteristic features.通常剧场的延展部分环绕在其技术核心――听众席――周围,而掩盖了自己的特征。