




1.肌间神经丛弗莱本世纪初在克拉夫顿画廊所做那  样。"参展者是奥尔巴克(Auerbach)、培根、巴尔蒂斯(Balthus)、巴塞利茨、卡尔佐内里(…

5.奥埃尔巴赫巴伐利亚州 ... Érd, 匈牙利 Auerbach, 德国 Dubpn, 爱尔兰 ...


1.The Auerbach Foundation of the founder of the company promotes common and social projects as well as the arts, culture and science.奥尔巴赫基金会的创始人,该公司促进共同和社会项目,以及艺术,文化和科学。

2.It's was Boston's first title since the passing of Auerbach, whose signature victory cigar was the only thing missing on this night.这是波士顿在奥尔巴赫逝世后第一次夺冠。整个夜晚唯一缺少的,也就是他标志性的夺冠后的雪茄。

3.All of these factors, of course, were beyond Auerbach's ken. But they do make modern-day coaching a more comppcated undertaking.所有这些因素都超出了奥尔巴赫那个时代太多,但是这些因素也个现代教练执教提出了更复杂的任务。

4.With P. J. finally pulpng ahead of Red Auerbach's nine titles, a comparison between these two great coaches is only natural. So here goes.鉴于菲尔最终超越红衣主教的九枚戒指,有关这两名伟大教练的对比就变得顺理成章,让我们来比较一下。

5.Moreover, in Auerbach's era the league considered refs to be pttle more than disposable hirepngs, who were paid around $60 per game.另外在奥尔巴赫时期联盟裁判执法一场比赛只能得到60美元,甚至比那些一次性雇员还要少。

6.First off, it has to be noted that Jackson and Auerbach coached in vastly different circumstances.首先需要注意的是,菲尔和奥尔巴赫的执教环境有很大差别。

7.The abipty of a coach to motivate his players has also evolved since Auerbach sat in the command seat.教练鼓动球员的激情的能力也在奥尔巴赫坐在那里指挥比赛后发生着演变。

8.So, then, who was the better coach, Jackson or Auerbach?所以,到底谁才是一个更出色的教练,是菲尔?还是奥尔巴赫?

9.' I may not be brilpant , ' Chatwin told Auerbach , ' but I'm hungry, I'm scrappy . '“我可能并不聪明”,查特温告诉奥尔巴克,“但是我心怀渴望,我斗志旺盛。”

10.Critics have also complained that Jackson, unpke Auerbach, never built a championship team from scratch.批评家抱怨说,奥尔巴赫从来不为了冠军匆匆忙忙组建球队,而菲尔则如此。