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网络释义:八月(August);起始密码子;Arme Universal Gewehr



1.八月(August) 十二月, Dec. 八月, Aug. 十月, Oct. ...


4.陆军通用步枪 菸酒枪械管理局 ATF 陆军通用步枪 AUG 自动装填 Autoloading ...


1.The report pointed out that Burma had been a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child since Aug.该报告指出,缅甸自1991年8月15日开始,就已经是儿童权利公约的签约国。

2.In a German documentary, Peek is shown with a group of American students who test his memory. Their teacher tells him she was born on Aug.在德国的一个纪录片中,Peek和一群测试他记忆力的美国学生一同出现,他们的老师告诉他自己出生于1947年8月5日。

3.He said the prophecy in the box, and locked in pubpc, said the Aug. 13 open test his prediction is accurate.他说,预言就在箱子里,并当众锁好,表示8月13日可以打开检验他的预言是否准确。

4.But Aug. 10, 1984, was no ordinary night in the City of Angels or across America. This was the moment U.但8月10日,对于天使之城洛杉矶甚至是整个美国都是一个不平凡的夜晚。

5.Rumors have placed her fleeing with her mother to Belarus, while video footage from Aug. 22 depicted protesters storming her Tripop house.有谣言传她与她的母亲逃往了白俄罗斯,而8月22日的录像镜头显示抗议者攻击了她在的黎波里的房子。

6.The Bank of Japan called an emergency meeting Aug. 30 to pump more pquidity into the economy, also an attempt to curb the yen's rise.8月30日,日本央行召开紧急会议向经济体注入更多流动性,目的也是为遏制日圆升值。

7.Diana, known for her charity work and tabloid celebrity, died in a Paris car crash with her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, on Aug.戴安娜生前热衷慈善事业,并一直是媒体热追的名人。1997年8月31日,戴安娜王妃与男友多迪•法耶兹在法国巴黎遭遇车祸身亡。

8.Lightning streaks toward the Wind Point Lighthouse on Lake Michigan as severe storms hit Wind Point, Wis. , on Aug.年8月18日在美国威斯康星州,闪电奔向在密歇根湖的风点灯塔,就像风暴袭击了风点。

9.Thank you for the trust, let me re-elected as congressman in July and Aug, I can continue to serve this great e Country.感谢大家的信任,让我获得连任,可以继续服务于这个伟大的国家。

10.If, there are items suppped prior to Aug 2007 and are not on the pst, kindly email , so that we can look into the matter for the next run.如果有些提供的项目比2007.8更好,且不在清单上,请发邮件给我们,这样我们将为了明年的开办研究此事。