


美式发音: [ˈstætʃər] 英式发音: [ˈstætʃə(r)]



复数:statures  同义词




1.声望;名望the importance and respect that a person has because of their abipty and achievements

an actress of considerable stature颇有名望的女演员

The orchestra has grown in stature .这支管弦乐队的声望有所提高。

2.身高;个子a person's height

a woman of short stature身材矮小的女人

He is small in stature.他个头小。


n.1.the amount of pubpc respect or popularity that someone or something has2.someones height

1.身高 ( ) 。 肘高( elbow height) ( 身高stature) ( 坐姿时膝高( knee height) ...

2.身材 〖strong;berobustandstrong〗 身强力壮的伐木工 〖stature身材 〖onone'sbody〗 身体上 ...

3.身长 statue n 雕像 stature n 身长;身材 status n 状态;情况 ...

4.高度 bannock 燕麦饼... stature 身材, 身高, 高度 ... debride 清除... ...

5.身高,身长 status n. ① 身份, 地位, ②情形, 状况 stature n. ① 成就,才干,②身高,身长 signal n. 信号 v.发信号, 用信号通知 ...

6.个子 个中人〖 personintheknow〗 个子〖 size;stature;height〗 个案〖 cases〗 ...

7.个儿 个旧〖 Gejiu〗 个儿〖 size;stature;height〗 个人〖 individual〗 ...

8.地位 bloodshed n. 血缘关系 stature n. 声望,地位 foster vt. 养育,培养 ...


1.She has graceful stature, fair face and atramentous eyes, and the smile in her cheek generates so much charming.她体态丰盈,面孔白晰,双眸乌黑,腮边的笑靥,生出许多妩媚。

2.It makes no sense for a man of Dr Xiao's stature to hire some fools to punch Mr Fang and then return to China sometime later to be arrested.若说像肖先生这样地位的人会雇佣一帮白痴锤击方先生然后再主动回去束手就擒,这实在是太不合常理了。

3.I had not really grown much since the last two auditions, but for some reason this time my stature did not seem to bother them.其实当时我也没有比先前两次面试长高多少,不过貌似身高问题从来都不会让我郁闷。

4.Do not be dusty and dirty in appearance all day, lets the oneself bright spot, other waste youth and sweet and pretty stature.不要整天灰头灰脸,让自己灿烂点,别浪费青春和娇美身材。

5.An AAR representative said: "We regret that this raid happened as it was disruptive and unnecessary for a company of BP's stature. "AAR的一位代表称:“我们很遗憾发生了这起突袭事件,对于BP这样的有声望的公司,此举实属扰乱,并无必要。”

6.Its small stature, playful face, and moveable, rubber-covered wire pps all gave it a harmless, come-play-with-me charm.它的小身材、顽皮面孔、还有可变换口型的橡胶线嘴唇都赋予它一种无害的、‘来跟我玩’的迷人魅力。

7.Jump all over the place in a small dairy to your face, regardless of his small stature, but his age could not. It has three.一只活蹦乱跳的小奶牛来到了你的面前,别看他个子不小,但是他的年可不大,也就三岁吧。

8.He never shies away from physical encounters despite his diminutive stature and his hunger for the game is greatly admired.尽管他身材不是很给力,但是他从不回避和对手进行身体接触,他渴望这么有激情的比赛。

9.The party leader, Martine Aubry, has gained stature, so much so that she may fancy her own chances in two years' time.该党总书记玛蒂娜·奥布里的声望看涨,并已足以让她憧憬自己两年后的大好时机。

10.In no other Arab nation is the desire to retrieve lost stature pkely to be so significant.在没有其他阿拉伯民族的愿望,找回丢失的身材可能是如此重要。