

jungle gym

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1.(儿童游乐设施)攀爬架a structure made of metal bars joined together for children to cpmb and play on


n.1.a large structure designed for children to cpmb on, made from bars that have been fixed together

1.攀爬架 topic31 Bear Go Camping 熊去野营 1.jungle gym 攀爬架 2.swings 秋千 ...

2.攀登架 can’t=can not 不能 * jungle gym 攀登架 * seesaw 跷跷板 * ...

3.格子爬梯 2:Granola 格兰诺拉麦片 3:Jungle Gym 格子爬梯 4:Pablum 精神食粮 ...

4.体能攀爬架 *hopscotch 跳房子 *jungle gym 体能攀爬架 *monkey bars 吊单杠 ...

5.丛林健身房松话题,孩子们就可以立刻玩了起来,把攀爬游戏的立体铁架jungle gym)想像成一艘大船,男生女生通通爬上船去,变成 …


1.She cpmbed into the jungle gym for the drizzle had quickly changed into a large thunder storm.她爬进了格子爬梯,因为原先的绵绵细雨很快地变成了倾盆雷雨。

2.The pilot of a small plane made an emergency landing on the playground just feet from a jungle gym and nearby classrooms.一架小型飞机的飞行员被迫紧急迫降于一所米草丛生的体育场约及英尺外的小学操场。

3.When we were kids, he once rigged up a jungle gym out of wheels and pulleys.当我们还是孩子的时候,有一次他用几个轮子和滑轮装配了一个攀登架。

4.Hopscotch takes balance, cpmbing the jungle gym takes strength, and team sports involve coordination.跳房子采取平衡,攀登密林体操采取力量,并且队体育介入协调。

5.Lori has a great metaphor for careers. She says they're not a ladder, they're a jungle gym.Lori对职业有个很好的比喻。她说职业不是阶梯,而是游乐场里儿童玩的立方格攀登架。

6.A soft rubber surface carpeted the pavement, but the jungle gym of Mr. Stern's youth was still there.路面上铺着橡胶,但Stern先生年轻时的攀登架也在那里。

7.Alan: Look! Nick's cpmbing up the jungle gym.艾伦:看!尼克正在爬攀登架。

8.View your career as a jungle gym, not a ladder.把你的职业看作是方格游戏架,而不是一架梯子。

9.When we're out playing on the jungle gym, he's almost always at the top. Or else he hangs upside down.我们在外面玩攀玩架时,他都几乎每次都爬到最顶上,或者是头朝下倒吊着。

10.They're playing games and cpmbing on a jungle gym.他们正在玩游戏和爬攀岩架。