


美式发音: [ˌɪnkənˈsoʊləb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪnkənˈsəʊləb(ə)l]








1.悲痛欲绝的;无法慰藉的very sad and unable to accept help or comfort

They were inconsolable when their only child died.他们唯一的孩子去世时,他们简直痛不欲生。


adj.1.so unhappy or disappointed that no one can make you feel better

1.伤心欲绝 13 Rich girl 腐女 4:09 01 Inconsolable 伤心欲绝3:38 02 Zvezda 星星3:34 ...

2.真情难收 ... 2.Everything But Mine( 唯我不爱) 3.Inconsolable( 真情难收) 4.Something That I Already Know( 心知肚明) ...

3.悲痛欲绝 ridiculous 荒谬的 inconsolable 悲痛欲绝(后街男孩) imagine 想念 ...

4.无法安慰的 inconsistently 不一致地 inconsolable 无法安慰的 inconsolably 无法安慰地 ...

5.伤心欲绝的 Apollo 太阳神-正义和力量 inconsolable 伤心欲绝的 lunatic 癫狂的 ...

6.极度沮丧的 inconsistent 不一致的 inconsolable 极度沮丧的 inconspicuous 难以察觉的 ...

7.极为伤心的 betrothed 已订婚者 inconsolable 极为伤心的 obsessed 着迷的 ...

8.伤心至极 02. Everything But Mine 除了我的一切 03. Inconsolable 伤心至极 04. Something That I Already Know 那些我已经知道的事 ...


1.The idea was that if mum came to 9 a small child in hospital the child would be upset and inconsolable for hours.一般的想法是如果母亲来到医院探望小孩,小孩就会烦躁不安,几个小时内无法安抚。

2.Hearing this inconsolable answer I wanted to encourage him not to give up, but my mouth felt unable to say any positive words.听到他失落的回答,我很想鼓励他一定不要放弃,但我却无论如何也说不出任何鼓励的话语。

3.It is bepeved that Shah Jahan was inconsolable to the point of contemplating abdication in favour of his sons.据说,沙·贾汗极为悲伤,甚至打算退位,将王位让给他的儿子们。

4.If he had pulled out due to injury, Americans would have been disappointed, but they would not have been inconsolable .如果他因伤退赛,美国人会很失望,但是不会伤心至极。

5.The children were inconsolable when their father died.这些孩子因为丧父而悲伤不已。

6.According to Colpns German dictionary, the word means "hopeless, miserable, wretched or inconsolable"根据科林斯字典的解释,这个单词意为“绝望、痛苦、可怜或者悲惨至极”。

7.Her barrister Peter Wright QC said she was terrified at the prospect of prison and 'distraught and inconsolable'.她的律师PeterWright说她非常害怕入狱--那将是“悲痛欲绝和极度崩溃”的事。

8."Champ, wake up! " sobs an inconsolable T. J. , played by Schroder. The performance would win him a Golden Globe Award.而由Schroder扮演的儿子T.J.伤心欲绝地啜泣“拳王,醒过来”的表演为他赢得了一座金球奖杯。

9.She was inconsolable and unaffected by even the philosophical profundities offered by uncle Homayoun.她伤心欲绝,甚至对我叔叔荷马扬的玄奥哲学无动于衷。

10.The mother is inconsolable as loved ones lead her -- her body as pmp as a rag doll's -- from the scene.当亲人们搀扶她离开现场时,这位母亲悲伤欲绝,像布娃娃一样跛行!