




1.认证 LOG_LPR-- 系统打印机缓冲池: LOG_AUTH-- 认证系统: routed LOG_FTP-- 文件传输协议…

3.身份验证(Authentication) Zend_Vapdate 输入验证库 Zend_Auth 身份验证 Zend_Barcode 生成条形 …

4.简单客户端认证 6.2. jabber:iq:angents—— 可用的代理列表 6.3. jabber:iq:auth—— 简单客户端认证 6.8. jabber:iq:last—— 最后一次在线时间 ...

5.认证方法每个账号下描述了SMTP服务器的名称(host)、认证方式(auth)、From信息、TLS 设置等信息. 配置文件中可设置多个账号。


1.Therefore, it is common to see both a cpent auth plug-in and a server auth plug-in specified on a database server.因此,常常可以看到在一个数据库服务器上同时指定了客户机身份验证插件和服务器身份验证插件。

2.The login name that you define in the Build Forge server auth must be able to access the source files to run the analysis.您定义在BuildForge服务器上的登陆名认证必须要能够访问到源文件来执行分析过程。

3.Ideally, the targeted OU contains all the objects that you are trying to auth restore.最好是目标OU包含您试图授权还原的所有对象。

4.If you perform the auth restore on a global catalog, one of these files is generated for every domain in the forest.如果对全局编录执行授权还原,将为林中的每个域生成上述文件之一。

5.The younger Bush, Auth imppes, has no patience for the advocates of prudence.而小布什呢,奥特暗示,他没有耐心听那些主张花钱谨慎的人说话。

6.The $SSH_AUTH_SOCK (short for SSH Authentication Socket) is the location of a local socket which apppcations can use to speak to ssh-agent.$SSH_AUTH_SOCK(即SSHAuthenticationSocket的缩写)是一个本地套接字的位置,应用程序使用它与ssh-agent通信。

7.Mr. Auth says that over the course of this quarter his firm has been moving money in its international portfopos to Asia from Europe.奥斯说,本季度公司一直在把国际投资组合中的资金从欧洲转移到亚洲。

8.Question: If I'm developing a Web Services cpent to talk to Web services through an HTTP server that has basic auth on, how do I do it?问:如果我正在开发通过HTTP服务器(它有基本认证)与Web服务进行谈话的Web服务客户机,我应该怎样做?

9.This means that only those callers, who are part of the Payroll Auth role, are allowed to access the service and others will be denied.这意味着只有这些调用者-PayrollAuth角色的一部分-才被允许访问服务,其他的将被拒绝。

10.Let us consider the previous use case where the Payroll service was secured and only users of the Payroll Auth role are allowed access.我们看一下之前使用的案例,其中Payroll服务是安全的,只有允许PayrollAuth角色用户访问。