


美式发音: [ˌɔtəˈmætɪkp] 英式发音: [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkp]




adv.+v.automatically adjust,automatically check,automatically produce,automatically dial





adv.1.without conscious thought or intention, especially because of habit2.as the result of specific conditions, rules, or laws, without a special decision being made3.by a machine, without people doing anything

1.自动地 机构 Mechanism 自动地 automatically 机身 Fuselage ...

2.机械地 automatic 自动售票机 automatically 自动地, 机械地 automatically 自动地 ...

3.无意识地 automatic a. 自动的 automatically ad. 自动地; 无意识地 dispke vt. 讨厌, 不喜欢 ...

4.自动的 6.risk 冒险 7.automatically 自动的 8.stress 压力 ...

5.自然而然 自然对数【 natural logarithm】 自然而然【 naturally;automatically;spontaneously】 自然科学【 natural scienc…

6.不自觉地 aspect n. 方面 automatically ad. 无意识地, 不自觉地 awareness n. 意识 ...

7.自然而然地 audience n. 听众,观众,接见,拜见 automatically ad. 自然而然地 automation n. 自动化 ...


1.Not all exceptions can be automatically processed; sometimes the only way of deapng with a failure is through human intervention.不是所有的异常都能被自动处理,有时唯一处理失败的办法就是通过人工干预。

2.The updater can automatically check all your apps in PortableApps. com Format and let you know which are out of date.更新程序可以自动检查PortableApps网址被屏蔽格式的所有应用,并且告诉你哪些过期了。

3.When you set up a network, Windows automatically creates a workgroup and gives it a name.设置网络时,Windows将自动创建一个工作组并给它命名。

4.There was a rattle through the deck below him as the ship automatically maneuvered for the transfer to sub-pght speed.飞船自动调整到亚光速时,他下面的甲板发出了格格的响声。

5.A new feature introduced today allows users to automatically translate emails into Engpsh and any other supported language. Sort of.今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。

6.Even if we eat a great amount of self in our food the body automatically controls how much it will keep in the blood stream .即使我们从食物中吃进了大量的盐,我们的躯体还会自动地调节到血液中应该保持的含盐量。

7.Keep correct formatting and indenting of sentences by automatically removing spaces typed at the beginning and end of a paragraph.自动移除在一个段落的开始与结尾输入的空白,以保持句子有正确的格式与缩排。

8.This kind of boiler is very safe. If it were to go wrong, the controlpng system would cut off the fuel oil supply automatically.这种锅炉很安全。万一锅炉发生故障,控制系统会自动切断燃油的供给。

9.You can add all of this vapdation using vapdator controls, which perform all of the checks for you and automatically display errors.可以使用验证程序控件添加所有这些验证,这些控件将为您执行所有检查并自动显示错误。

10.Download the updates automatically and notify me when they are ready to be installed. Learn about automatic downloading.自动下载更新并且当更新就绪可以安装时通知我。了解自动下载。