




1.慕夏 ... 木柴块 billet 木栅 mucha 木栅 papng ...

5.慕夏大师 100首英文民歌 One Hundred Engpsh Folksongs 慕夏作品集 MUCHA 绿色产品设计 COOL HUNTIN…

7.慕夏餐厅 Rose Cottage 玫瑰小 MUCHA 慕夏-黄道十二 Disney - 史迪奇 海滩 ...


1.It was a scene fit for a Manet or Mucha, and explained why thousands of young Americans flew to Prague after the Velvet Revolution of 1989.这一幕适合马奈(Manet)或穆夏(Mucha),并解释了为什么在1989年天鹅绒革命(VelvetRevolution)之后,有数千年轻的美国人蜂拥来到布拉格。

2.It's just as mucha competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.在所有参加竞争奥运会承办权的国家中获胜就如同获得一枚奥运会奖牌。

3.This was the golden age for tea production in Mucha.这是木栅种茶的黄金时代。

4.Mucha's bequest to his country was received with unkindly cold shoulders.慕夏为祖国留下的遗产受到了残酷而冷淡的对待。

5.Kathy : He's the same god as the one at the Zhinan Temple in Mucha. So don't bring a girlfriend there, either.卡西:他跟木栅指南宫里的神是同一个。所以也别带女朋友去那里。

6.In 1919, Mucha's first tea company, the Mucha Tea Company, was set up. Seven years later came the even larger Wenshan Tea Co. , Ltd.一九一九年木栅第一家茶叶公司--木栅茶叶公司成立,七年后又有规模更大的「文山茶叶株式会社」出现。

7.Mucha, particularly Maokung, is a popular hangout for Taipei's "night cats. "木栅,尤其是猫空,是台北夜猫族的好去处。

8.Looking at an apartment in Mucha, talking to the landlord在木栅看房子,跟房东说话