


美式发音: [ˈævərɪs] 英式发音: ['ævərɪs]








1.(对钱财的)贪婪,贪心,贪得无厌extreme desire for wealth


n.1.a strong feepng that you want to have a lot of money and possessions and keep them for yourself

1.贪婪 autonomy n. 自治 avarice ? n. 贪财, 贪婪 aver v. 断言证明 ...

2.贪财 autonomy n. 自治 avarice ? n. 贪财, 贪婪 aver v. 断言证明 ...

3.贪心 贪污[ corruption;graft] 贪心[ greed;avarice;rapacity] 贪心不足[ be insatiably greedy] ...

4.贪欲 贪心不足〖 beinsatiablygreedy〗 贪欲〖 greed;avarice;rapacity〗 贪赃〖 takebribes;practisegraf…

5.贪婪的 barn、 谷仓 avarice贪婪的 passionate、 充满激情的 ...

6.贪慾 automation n 自动控制自动操作 avarice n 贪财贪婪 aversion n 厌恶讨厌的事和人 ...

8.贪吝变自己,最后他可能 会见旁人痛苦而感到高兴. o 贪吝(Avarice) 贪吝者在周围筑起一道围墙,以保护那些可鄙的财物,在今日文明 …


1.Observers of the first series said the audience was at once fascinated and repulsed by the show's naked avarice.第一套系列节目的观察员表示,观众一度被节目对财富赤裸裸的贪求所吸引,继而产生了反感。

2.The latent cause of crime is often avarice.贫婪常是犯罪的潜在诱因。

3.avarice is growing with him a besetting sin.贪婪跟着他成长起来,成了易犯的罪恶。

4.Remember a novel writing a love money, the avarice into a HuangJinShan mountain, all is in gold jewelry, if big wild.记得有篇小说写一个爱财如命的财迷,进了一座黄金山,山内皆是黄金珠宝,大喜若狂。

5.Therefore, controlpng a man being incorruption and not avarice must start from his inner heart.因此廉或贪等欲念的控管,必须自个人内心做起才有效。

6.In the struggle to fulfill their desires, they finally are hurt all over and suffered from avarice, wrath and obsession.在这些欲望中打滚斗争的结果是将他们自已弄的遍体鳞伤,并且饱受贪、嗔、痴之毒害。

7.The Premier League, founded on avarice, is now on the edge of a precipice.建立于贪欲基础上的英超联赛现在已经到了悬崖边缘。

8.It is a natural result of this preference that avarice is a widespread faipng of the Chinese.这种偏好自然使得贪财成为中国人一个通病。

9.For young Melbourne, this was at first a near disaster, because every man with dreams of avarice departed for the diggings .对于年轻的墨尔本来说,这股淘金热起初近似一场灾难,因为每个做发财梦的人都远离家乡,到这里来寻找金矿。

10.SOME men steal out of need or avarice; others kill themselves out of despair, or murder for revenge or gain.有人因贫穷或贪财而偷窃;有人因绝望而自杀,还有人为报复而谋杀,或是谋财害命。