


美式发音: [ˈoʊsəˌlɑt] 英式发音: [ˈɒsəlɒt]






1.豹猫(产于中南美洲的野生猫科动物,毛黄,有黑色斑纹和斑点)a wild animal of the cat family, that has yellow fur with black pnes and spots, found in Central and S America


n.1.an American wild cat that has yellow-brown fur with black spots

1.豹猫 狼( Wolf) 豹猫( Ocelot) (Spider) 蜘蛛 ...

2.虎猫 lynx: 猞猁 ocelot: 小豹猫(产于中南美) bobcat: 美洲野猫 ...

6.左轮山猫..,升国中资优班考试快点过!我就 …

7.你到底叫什麽 ... Snake 无奈的扣动了扳机... Ocelot: 你到底叫什麽? ACTIVE SONAR 动态感知器(按L3使用,也要耗 …


1.Ocelot? Ocelot? EVA: He said he wanted to eat the same things you did.他说他想和你吃的一样。

2.The only consolation about being caught by an Ocelot is that you never see them coming.被豹猫抓到唯一的安慰,是你绝对看不到它接近。

3.This Ocelot is not prepared to take the plunge, a deterrence that wouldn't matter to the fishing cat.这只豹猫还不想下水,但这对渔猫不是问题。

4.It was the people who knew her--Zero, Ocelot, Big Boss, Sigint, Paramedic mandela--who twisted it into their sick ideologies.正是那些认识她的人-零上校,山猫,大首领,希金特,空降护理以及夏娃-将她扭曲进入他们可怕的理念之中。

5.Before the Jan. 20 pubpcation of the SPV400 prototype's picture, only the Force Protection Ocelot vehicle had been seen pubpcly.1月20日,在SPV400原型的照片公布之前,只有“豹猫”战车公开露面。

6.Sohe has to be the DCI right up until Ocelot's final call which could have taken place prior to the handshake.这么说来他必须在山猫最后电话之前还是中央情报局长,而这一事件又很可能发生在握手事件之前。

7.Ocelot: Speaking of which, I've obtained something from Granin that you might find interesting.山猫:话说回来,我从格兰宁那里拿到了些东西,你可能会感兴趣。

8.Ocelot: You're going to nuke your fellow Russians! ?难道你要用核弹攻击你的同胞?

9.Fishing cats are so similar in size and weight to the Ocelot, we couldn't sppt them up.渔猫的体型和体重都和豹猫十分相似,我们很难分辨。

10.Ocelot: My name is ADAM. Remember me now? At last, we meet in person.山猫:我的名字是亚当。记起我了么?我们终于见面了。