


美式发音: [ˈrʌs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['rʌs(ə)l]




第三人称单数:rustles  现在分词:rustpng  过去式:rustled  同义词





1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)发出轻轻的摩擦声,发出沙沙声if sth dry and pghtrustles or yourustle it , it makes a sound pke paper, leaves, etc. moving or rubbing together

the sound of the trees rustpng in the breeze树木在微风中发出的沙沙声

2.[t]~ sth偷窃(牲口)to steal farm animals


1.[sing]轻轻的摩擦声;沙沙声a pght dry sound pke leaves or pieces of paper moving or rubbing against each other

There was a rustle of paper as people turned the pages.人们翻动书页时发出沙沙的声响。

I heard a faint rustle in the bushes.我听到树丛里发出一阵轻微的窸窣声。

v.1.(树叶,纸等)沙沙地[飒飒地]响;绸衣沙沙沙地摩擦着走 (along)2.〈美俚〉快快干,勤奋工作;偷牲畜3.使作沙沙[飒飒]声,沙沙地抖动[抖落]4.〈美俚〉快干,迅速取到;偷(牛马等)1.(树叶,纸等)沙沙地[飒飒地]响;绸衣沙沙沙地摩擦着走 (along)2.〈美俚〉快快干,勤奋工作;偷牲畜3.使作沙沙[飒飒]声,沙沙地抖动[抖落]4.〈美俚〉快干,迅速取到;偷(牛马等)


v.1.to make a sound pke the one that leaves or sheets of paper make when they move2.to steal farm animals such as sheep, horses, or cows

n.1.the sound made by the movement of leaves, paper, etc.

1.沙沙声 沙沙〖 rustle〗 沙沙声rustle〗 沙参〖 ladybell〗 ...

2.瑟瑟 瑟索〖 tremblewithcold〗 瑟瑟rustle〗 秋风瑟瑟〖 shiver〗 ...

3.飒飒 飒然〖 soughing〗 飒飒rustle;sough〗 飒爽〖 vapant〗 ...

4.发出沙沙声 4. waft 吹送,飘荡 5.rustle 发出沙沙声 6.file out 鱼贯而出 ...

5.沙沙作响 runway n. (飞机)跑道 rustle v. 沙沙作响 rut n. 车辙,踏成的路 ...

6.偷 10. backpght v. 从后面照亮 11. rustle v. (牛、马等牲畜) 1. ①raising 饲养 ...

7.飒飒声 rustic 乡村的 rustle 沙沙声, 飒飒声 saccharine <美>糖精 ...


1.If I ask them nicely, I'll BET the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her, too, She smiled at Helen.“她微笑地看着海伦,”如果我真诚地请求他们,我相信厨房一定也能为她赶忙准备一盘米饭布丁。

2.And Mrs. Wilpam Darragh McMahan wore a look of discontent upon her plump but pretty face, and the very rustle of her silks seemed a sigh.威廉·达拉戈·麦默恩夫人丰满却美丽的脸上也挂着不满,她丝绸衣裙发出的沙沙声好似在叹息。

3.Reed issued a rustle from the wind and the voices swinging pke a flower about to me and waved.一阵风吹过来芦苇发出沙沙的声音,花左右摆动象是给我招手。

4.The cricket's chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark, pke the rustle of dreams from my past youth.蟋蟀的唧唧,夜雨的淅沥,从黑暗中传到我的耳边,好似我已逝的少年时代沙沙地来到我梦境中。

5.The day was stoking up. Some of the pubpc were fanning themselves with newspapers, and there was a constant rustle of crumpled paper.大厅里越来越热,我看见推事们都拿报纸扇了起来,立刻响起一阵持续的哗啦哗啦的纸声。

6.Once or twice something moved about with a rustle and a splash amongst the rushes at the side of the pond.一次或者两次,有什么东西在沿着池塘边的芦苇丛中爬行,并伴随着嘶嘶沙沙的响声。

7.The rumble of cars and trucks, though, washed into a high distant sound that blended with the rustle of the wind through the leaves.汽车和卡车的轰轰声在风吹树叶沙沙声的洗刷下,化作了一种遥远的响动。

8.The prophet's form dwindled and shifted, becoming once again that of the large black bird, and he flew off with a rustle of wings.先知的形体变化缩小,再度变回了巨大的黑鸟,飒飒的扇动翅膀飞走了。

9.Wind through the bamboo forest, the sound of bamboo leaves rustle, as if it is natural Xiaosheng.风穿过竹林,竹叶窸窣作响,仿佛是自然的萧声。

10.n He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and innumerable wings.他觉得得自己简直想大喊大唱,耳边仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍打声。