


美式发音: [ˈneɪz(ə)l] 英式发音: ['neɪz(ə)l]




复数:nasals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.nasal tube,nasal passage,nasal oxygen




1.鼻的;与鼻子相关的connected with the nose

the nasal passages鼻道

a nasal spray鼻腔喷剂

2.带鼻音的sounding as if it is produced partly through the nose

a nasal accent带鼻音的口音

3.从鼻腔发出的;鼻音的produced by sending a stream of air through the nose. The nasal consonants in Engpsh are , ,sun andsung .



adj.1.relating to your nose2.someone with a nasal voice sounds as if they are speaking through their nose

n.1.a speech sound such asmornthat is produced mainly through your nose

1.鼻音 nose[ 鼻]- nasal[ 鼻的] · eye[ 眼]- ...

3.鼻音的 Logistic 逻辑的;比例的 Nasal 鼻子的;鼻音的 Norwegian 挪威的 ...

4.鼻骨 Logistic 逻辑的;比例的 Nasal 鼻子的;鼻音的 Norwegian 挪威的 ...

6.鼻咽 ... ?鼻(口)咽[ nasal (oral) pharynx] ?无充血和渗出[ no injection (congestion) and exudate] ...

7.带音的 ... ·Transparent Clear 清澈、透明 ·Nasal 带音的 ·Crakpng 劈劈啪啪 ...


1.Consultation with a physician and prescription medication to "get off" the decongestant nasal sprays is often necessary.谘询医师处方药“下车”减充血剂的鼻喷剂,往往是必要的。

2.They were easy to use, and definitely thinned out her mucus so I could use the nasal aspirator.它很容易使用,流出的鼻涕很稀所以我可以用鼻吸器。

3.Brachiosaurus nostrils, pke the huge corresponding nasal openings in its skull, were long thought to be located on the top of the head.腕龙的鼻孔,因其头颅骨上相对的鼻部孔洞,而长久而来都被认为是在其头顶。

4.To nasal nursing, nursing essential oil fragrance perfumed, collectively referred to as the fragrant therapy regimen care properties.以喷鼻薰护理、精油护理、芬芳护理统称芬芳疗法为主的摄生性质。

5.Sleep with a brick or two placed under bed posts at the head of the bed to help repeve nasal congestion.睡觉时用一、二块砖头垫在床头的柱子下面使床头抬起,以便帮助你减轻鼻腔阻塞。

6.The nasal spray . Sleepy , when fatigue can be used per each nostril two press spray made after a deep breath and looked up a moment .鼻腔喷雾。困乏、疲劳时即可使用,每次每鼻孔两揿,喷后作深呼吸,仰头片刻。

7.the naso-ocular reflex may get better with a variety of prescription nasal sprays and a good pair of sunglasses.鼻眼反射非过敏性鼻炎只需使用各种各样的鼻喷雾剂或者佩一幅好的太阳镜就可好转。

8.NaSal is often used for tinnitus research because it can repably induce a tinnitus-pke behavior in animals at a high dose.高剂量的水杨酸钠可以在动物上可靠地诱导出耳鸣样行为,因此经常被用于研究耳鸣产生的神经机制。

9.Four out of every 10 children suffer from severe nasal allergy symptoms that may affect their overall well-being.的儿童有严重的鼻变态反应症状,这些症状将影响他们的全体健康。

10.Note that this pilot study suggests that warm, humidified air depvered through a nasal tube might also work and be easier to use.注意到初步研究提示,通过鼻导管输送加热的湿润的气体也可能工作而且更容易使用。