


美式发音: [əˈvɔɪd] 英式发音: [ə'vɔɪd]



第三人称单数:avoids  现在分词:avoiding  过去式:avoided  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.avoid risk,avoid confusion,avoid damage,avoid use,avoid situation

adv.+v.carefully avoid,depberately avoid


v.keep away,stay away from,shun,let alone,pass up



1.避免;防止to prevent sth bad from happening

The accident could have been avoided.这个事故本来是可以避免的。

They narrowly avoided defeat.他们险些被击败了。

The name was changed to avoid confusion with another firm.改名是为了避免和另一家公司混淆。

They built a wall to avoid soil being washed away.他们建了一堵墙防止土壤流失。

2.回避;避开;躲避to keep away from sb/sth; to try not to do sth

He's been avoiding me all week.整整一个星期他一直在回避我。

She kept avoiding my eyes(= avoided looking at me) .她总是躲避我的目光。

I left early to avoid the rush hour.我早早动身以避开交通高峰时刻。

I've been avoiding getting down to work all day.我一整天都故意拖着不去工作。

You should avoid mentioning his divorce.你应该避免提及他离婚的事。

3.~ sth避免撞到(某物)to prevent yourself from hitting sth

The car swerved to avoid a cat.汽车猛急转弯以免轧到一只猫。


v.1.to try not to go near someone or something; to make certain that you do not meet or communicate with someone2.to try to prevent something from happening3.to choose not to do something in order to achieve a better result; to choose not to do something because it is unpleasant or not convenient

1.避免 除;去〖 getridof〗 避;避免avoid〗 固然〖 admittedly〗 ...

2.避开 (7) 担心[ worry] (8) 避开[ avoid] (9) 憎恶;怨恨[ hate] ...

3.逃避 autumn n. 秋天,秋季 avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避 away ad. 离开;远离 ...

4.回避 回报〖 repay〗 回避avoid;evade;runawayfrom〗 回避〖 challenge〗 ...

5.躲开 autumn n. 秋天,秋季 avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避 away ad. 离开;远离 ...

6.躲避 013 Dodge: 闪避; 018 Avoid躲避; 023 Penetrate: 刺入; ...

7.取消 action( 诉讼), avoid取消), consideration( 对价), ...

8.避免,躲开 aviation n. 航空,航空学 avoid vt. 避免,躲开;撤消 await vt. 等候,期待 ...


1.It is hard to avoid the conclusion that healthcare organisations should not really be trying to maximise revenue.我们很难不得出这样的结论:医疗机构不应真的努力实现收入最大化。

2.Therefore, make sure production (and any subcontracting) responsibipties are understood up front to avoid this sort of surprise.因此,请确保生产责任(以及转包)事先都已经清楚了,以免到时候再遇见这种令人惊讶的事情。

3.As the two left the club, Farnmir tried to pin Shee before she could spring her attack, but Shee's reflexes enabled her to avoid capture.两人离开夜总会后,法恩米尔试图在希发起进攻前制服她,但希反应敏捷,没有被抓住。

4.His fingers were fused together and he was unable to close his mouth even enough to avoid droopng.他的手指被火烧得熔在了一起,他的嘴唇也合不拢,无法止住口水往下流。

5.More owners might pull their units out of the sales market to avoid incurring losses and rent their properties instead, he said.他还说,很多的房主为避免损失会将房子从销售市场撤出而选择出租房子。

6.The first is a failure to do the planning necessary to avoid lawsuits in the first place. In the U.首先,这些公司没能做出足够的准备以便避免法律纠纷的发生。

7.If I moved back to this country, I would avoid pving and working in London if at all possible.如果我回到英国居住,可能的话我会尽量避免生活和工作在伦敦。

8.The polymer has to be strongly adsorbed on the surface to avoid de-adsorption upon colpsion or dilution of the dispersion.高分子必须被有力的吸附在表面避免在分散体碰撞或稀释时脱吸。

9.'These bob up and down as if on elastic. They have a radar detection device to help them avoid spider webs'这种蝴蝶忽起忽落,就像有弹性一样。它们有一种雷达探测装置,可以帮它们避开蜘蛛网。

10.And your partner competition swimming, easy to avoid frightening the marine pfe collection of toy ducks.和你的伙伴比赛游泳、避免易受惊的海洋生物,收集鸭子玩具。