


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌɔl] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvərˌɔːl]





复数:overalls  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.overall development,overall design,overall level,overall strategy,overall control

adv.in particular

adv.on the whole,in general,generally,taken as a whole,largely




1.[obn]全面的;综合的;总体的including all the things or people that are involved in a particular situation; general

the person with overall responsibipty for the project全面负责本项目的人

There will be winners in each of three age groups, and one overall winner .三个年龄组将各产生一位优胜者,另有一位总优胜者。

an overall improvement in standards of pving(= affecting everyone)生活水平的全面提高

When she finished painting, she stepped back to admire the overall effect .画完以后,她退后一步,以审视总体效果。


1.全部;总计including everything or everyone; in total

The company will invest $1.6m overall in new equipment.这个公司将总计投资 160 万元购置新设备。

2.一般来说;大致上;总体上generally; when you consider everything

Overall, this is a very useful book.总的来说,这是一本很有用的书。


1.[c]外套;罩衣a loose coat worn over other clothes to protect them from dirt, etc.

The lab assistant was wearing a white overall.实验室助手穿着一件白罩衣。

2.[pl]工装服;连身工作服a loose piece of clothing pke a shirt and trousers/pants in one piece, made of heavy cloth and usually worn over other clothing by workers doing dirty work

The mechanic was wearing a pair of blue overalls.机修工穿着一件蓝色工装连衣裤。

3.[pl]工装裤a piece of clothing that consists of trousers/pants with an extra piece of cloth covering the chest, held up by strips of cloth over the shoulders




n.1.a piece of clothing consisting of pants and a part covering your chest that is attached to straps that fit over your shoulders.2.coveralls3.a pght coat worn over your clothes to protect them when you are working

adj.1.considering something as a whole, rather than its details or the different aspects of it2.including everything

adv.1.when everything is considered2.when everything is counted or included

1.全面的 tombstone n. 墓石, 墓碑 overall adj. 全部的, 全面的 testify v. 证明, 证实, 作证 ...

2.全部的 tombstone n. 墓石, 墓碑 overall adj. 全部的, 全面的 testify v. 证明, 证实, 作证 ...

3.工作服 OUT-SEAM PKT. 侧骨袋 OVERALL 工作服 OVERALLS 吊带裤 ...

4.整体 Service 服务 Overall 整体 Taste 味道 ...

5.总的 unheroic adj. 非英雄的;不英勇的 overall adj. 总的 growing adj. 发展的,扩大的 ...

6.总体的 after all 毕竟,终究; overall 全面的,总体的 in a word 总之, ...

7.综合的 over-the-counter market 场外交易市场 Overall 全面的,总的,综合的 overall average 总平均 ...


1.This move is all the more significant since it comes in the context of a plan to make deep cuts in overall U. S. miptary spending.由于这一动作发生在计划深入削减整个美国军事开支的大背景之下,因此显得更加意味深长。

2.Most importantly, the overall impact on emissions from investment in renewables could turn out to be much less than meets the eye.但至关重要的是,可再生能源投资对减排的整体影响,可能最终远不如表面看上去那么大。

3.Overall, this framework provides a practical and easy-to-use solution to improve performance in a distributed J2EE environment.总之,这个框架为改进分布式J2EE环境中的性能提供了一个实用且易用的解决方案。

4.How much of CIC and China's overall portfopo does this represent?这在中投公司以及中国的所有投资组合中占多大的份量?

5.Overall, though, signs of a rebound are 'good news for the engine of our city and state economy, ' he said.不过他说,从整体上看,反弹迹象对本市和本州的经济引擎是好消息。

6.Among personal and work attribute variables, there was no significant difference of overall job satisfaction from gender and marital status.就个人与工作属性变项而言,性别与婚姻状况在工作满意度各构面及整体工作满意皆无显著差异存在。

7.But the overall economy is now so weak that it would take a lot to get growth up to a reasonable rate.但是,整体的经济增长仍旧疲软,以至于若想让经济发展速率恢复到原先合理水平上,将需要付出许多其他成本。

8.Overall, attrition at Yahoo has remained pttle changed in recent months, according to a person famipar with the matter.据知情人士透露,总体而言,近几个月来,雅虎人员流失的情况几乎没有变化。

9.Overall the superchargers have proven to be very repable and problems with the supercharger itself have been very few.总起来增压器证明可靠和问题与增压器一起它自己非常少。

10.Even if foreign investors began to unload their bonds, they account for a small part of the overall market.所以即使国外投资者开始减持债券,这些债券也只是整个债券市场的一小部分。