


美式发音: [ˈstʌbərn] 英式发音: [ˈstʌbə(r)n]



比较级:stubborner  最高级:stubbornest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.stubborn resistance





1.固执的;执拗的;顽固的;倔强的determined not to change your opinion or attitude

He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.他死不认错。

She can be as stubborn as a mule .她可以倔得像头骡子。

stubborn pride死要面子

a stubborn resistance to change顽固抵制变革

a stubborn refusal to psten硬是不听

2.难以去除(或对付)的difficult to get rid of or deal with

a stubborn cough/stain久治不愈的咳嗽;顽渍

a stubborn problem难题


adj.1.a stubborn person is not wilpng to change their ideas or to consider anyone elses reasons or arguments; showing that you are not wilpng to psten or to change what you think2.very difficult to change or to defeat; difficult to cure or remove

1.顽固的 short coming 缺点 stubborn 顽固的;固执的 organize 组织,成立 ...

2.固执的 short coming 缺点 stubborn 顽固的;固执的 organize 组织,成立 ...

3.倔强的 timid 怯懦的 stubborn 倔强的 self-conscious 害羞的 ...

4.顽固者 Stool = fece = poop transplant 粪便移植 Stubborn: 顽强的 recurrent: 复发的 ...


1.Johnny is usually played as a stubborn person who always adheres to his own opinions.约翰尼通常被扮演成固执己见的人。

2.Sometimes I feel very stubborn, because to do something with his back to the phase will let me feel very uncomfortable.有的时候我觉得自己很固执,因为去做一件与自己意愿相背的事会让我觉的很不舒服。

3.He is nothing if not stubborn; nobody survives five-and-a-half years as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam without a steely will.他相当固执。如果没有如钢铁般的意念,没有人可以作为一个战俘在越南生存五年之久。

4.Look to the anemone, if you will, or to the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.去看看银莲花,假使你愿意,去瞧瞧豌豆地,抑或是那倔强地将手臂伸过城镇街道的野草。

5.As each, had walked till now, childish ignorance, and how much of the past, but rather stubborn pve tired also refused to give up you!一如彼此,曾走过无知,幼稚到现在,凝聚了多少过往的牵伴,却倔强的宁愿活得累也不肯放弃你!

6.Though authority is a stubborn bear, yet it is often led by the nose with gold.权势虽如一头固执的熊,金子却可以牵着他的鼻子走。

7.He didn't put it that way to me, of course, but I could see from his agitation that that was what worried him. And that made me stubborn.他当然不会这样对我讲,不过我从他焦虑不安的神情中看出这是使他烦恼的原因。

8.The stubborn refusal of the U. S. automobile industry to admit the changeabipty of consumer demand is one of the best examples.美国汽车工业固执地不原承认顾客的需求是不断变化的,而导致惨败就是最好的例子之一。

9.We are sensitive, stubborn, and trying to be strong. We have hurt others easily and also be hurt easily by others.我们敏感,我们偏执,我们顽固到底地故作坚强;我们轻易的伤害别人,也轻易的被别人所伤。

10.Trying to relate to a stubborn person doesn't require you to alter your values.尝试着和一个不要求你改变自身价值的顽固的人好好相处。