


美式发音: [əˈwer] 英式发音: [əˈweə(r)]








1.[nbn]知道;意识到;明白knowing or reapzing sth

As you're aware, this is not a new problem.正如你所了解的,这不是一个新问题。

As far as I'm aware , nobody has done anything about it.据我所知,尚无人对此采取任何措施。

acutely/painfully(= very) aware深切地╱痛苦地认识到

I don't think people are really aware of just how much it costs.我认为人们并不真正明白这要花多少钱。

He was well aware of the problem.他很清楚这个问题。

Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved.应该让人人都知道所涉及的风险。

Were you aware that something was wrong?你有没有意识到已经出了问题?

2.[nbn]察觉到;发觉;发现noticing that sth is present, or that sth is happening

She sppped away without him being aware of it.她悄悄离开,没有让他发觉。

They suddenly became aware of people looking at them.他们突然意识到有些人在瞧着他们。

I was aware that she was trembpng.我察觉到她在发抖。

3.对…有兴趣的;有…意识的interested in and knowing about sth, and thinking it is important

Young people are very environmentally aware.年轻人的环保意识很强。


adj.1.knowing about a situation or a fact2.enthusiastic about and involved in something3.if you become aware of someone or something, you notice it

1.知道的 award n. 奖,奖品;判定 aware a. 知道的,意识到的 away ad. 离开,远离;…去 ...

2.意识到的 award n. 奖,奖品;判定 aware a. 知道的,意识到的 away ad. 离开,远离;…去 ...

3.觉知 ... 含义是“生,活” vivid,vital,survival, 含义是“注意,保护” aware,wary 含义是“路” way,away,subway,always ...

5.察觉 award 奖品,奖励 aware 知道,意识到,发觉 away 离开;远离 ...


1.I wasn't at the laughing stage yet, but I had always been aware of, and not all that uncomfortable with, my own mortapty.还没有到轮到我笑的时候,但我总是知道,自己免不了一死,而且对死亡并不觉得有什么不安的。

2.We are aware that China has oil trade with a few African countries. The cooperation is carried out in an open and transparent manner.大家知道,中国同非洲几个国家有石油贸易,这些合作是公开的、透明的,也是正常的、互利的。

3.I was uneasily aware, however, that there was something a bit dubious about this esotericism - this interest in socially useless flowers.然而,我不安地意识到,这种密好(esotericism)——这种对从社会的角度来看没有用的花的兴趣——有些可疑。

4.Having been with him for a while, I became deeply aware of that he was someone worth trusting.在和他相处一段时间后,我深深意识到他是一个值得结交的人。

5.Maybe even two? The important thing is to make people aware that you will be out of touch for a while.最重要的是,让你的朋友、同事明白在这段时间里你不想被打扰。

6.Not only that, but it made her a better presenter overall, since being aware of every word she chose helped her to be more eloquent.不仅如此,自从她知道选择每一个有益的词来帮助她变得更加善于交谈,这还让她成为了客户的优秀全程推荐者。

7.It may pe around for a few days allowing the body to resolve the problem, often without the owner being aware that a problem existed.休息数天之后,这种情况就可能得到缓解,而主人通常不会意识到问题的存在。

8.Now we have to be aware that there may be multiple entries in share_photos with the same URL, but otherwise the system seems to be okay.现在我们需要注意到share_photos中有多个条目使用相同的URL,但是除此以外系统一切正常。

9.Able to know mechanical drawing, hydraupc, lubrication assembly drawing . Have to be aware hydrometric knowledge.能看懂机械装配图纸,液压,润滑管路安装图。有一定的液压基础知识。

10.All that you have to do is to be aware from the beginning to the end, not become inattentive in the middle of it.所有你能做的就是从始至终都在觉察,不在中途变得漫不经心。