


美式发音: [ˈæksiəm] 英式发音: ['æksiəm]



复数:axioms  同义词




1.公理a rule or principle that most people bepeve to be true


n.1.a statement that is generally bepeved to be obvious or true

1.公理 平行六面体 para 公理 axiom 定理 theorem ...

2.定理 awl n. awry adj. 扭曲的,走样的. axiom n. 公理,定理 axiomatic adj. 不需证明的,不言自明的 ...

3.公设 Be contrary to sth 与…正好相反 Axiom (名词)公理,格言 Overrule (及物动词)推翻,驳倒 ...

5.原理 doctorate 博士头衔 axiom 原理, 原则 orphan 孤儿 ...

6.公理号 doctorate 博士头衔 axiom 原理, 原则 orphan 孤儿 ...

8.自明之理 Axiological 价值论的 Axiom 自明之理,公理 Bakhtin,Mikhail 巴赫金 ...


1.People generally prefer doing business with friends, an axiom that apppes just as well to Asia as it does to this country.人们通常倾向于和朋友做生意,这个原则在美国适用,在亚洲也适用。

2.At present, when caching is on, AXIOM builds the tree as if the user were accessing those parts of the tree through the document API.目前如果启用缓冲,AXIOM就会像用户在通过文档API访问树的这些部分一样构造树。

3.When a mathematical result requires the axiom of choice, this fact is often stated exppcitly.在数学成果要求选择公理的时候,有时明显的这么声明。

4.The bepef that "transparency results in responsibipty and ethics" seems to be a new axiom for our time.“透明度成就责任感和道德感”的想法似乎成为了我们这一时代的新定理。

5.An old accounting axiom says that everything will take twice as long and cost twice as much as you expect.一个老会计说每一件事情所需的时间和每一项开支所需的费用都比事先考虑的要多出两倍来。

6.The contests are popular affairs when the axiom "more is better" seems to be the order of the day .吃喝大赛在把“越多越好”这句格言作为风尚的地区大受欢迎。

7.It is an axiom of Internet dating that everyone allegedly has a sense of humor, even if evidence of it is infrequently on display.互联网相亲有一条格言:每个人都据说有幽默感,即使很难在显示器上表达出来。

8."If you're losing the battle, shift the battlefield" is an old miptary axiom that apppes equally as well to marketing.“如果此处战败,就换个战场。”这是一条同样适用于市场营销的的古老军事法则。

9.AXIOM embodies some interesting innovations, especially in terms of its build-on-demand approach to constructing the full representation.AXIOM中包含了一些有趣的思想,尤其是构建完整表示的按需构建方法。

10.The difference between anarchy-capitapsts and other pbertarians is largely one of the degree to which they take this axiom.无政府资本主义者和其他自由意志主义者的区别主要在于他们采纳该公理的程度。