


美式发音: [pɪp] 英式发音: [pɪp]



网络释义:画中画(Picture in Picture);子母画面;点(pips)

复数:pips  同义词





1.(某些水果的)种子,籽the small hard seed that is found in some types of fruit

an apple/orange pip苹果籽;橙子籽

2.[pl]嘟嘟声;(尤指电台的)报时信号a series of short high sounds, especially those used when giving the exact time on the radio

3.(色子、骨牌、纸牌上的)点one of the dots showing the value on dice and dominoes ; one of the marks showing the value and suit of a playing card


1.(informal)~ sb以微弱优势击败;险胜;终于战胜to beat sb in a race, competition, etc. by only a small amount or at the last moment

She pipped her rival for the gold medal.她险胜对手,夺得金牌。

He was pipped at/to the post for the top award.他到终点时以些微之差被超越,失去了冠军。

v.1.(小鸡)啄破(蛋壳)出来2.〈俚〉反射,排斥;打败;打破(计划等),妨碍(人)3.射击;击死;击伤4.死 (out)5.(小鸡)破壳而出6.(小鸡)叽叽地叫1.(小鸡)啄破(蛋壳)出来2.〈俚〉反射,排斥;打败;打破(计划等),妨碍(人)3.射击;击死;击伤4.死 (out)5.(小鸡)破壳而出6.(小鸡)叽叽地叫



n.1.a small seed in a piece of fruit

1.画中画(Picture in Picture)带画中画PIP)并具有图像解析度转换功能的 8 路输入演示切换器RGB-DVI 300 RGB 至 DVI 图像解析度转换器 USP 507 通 …

2.子母画面配备子母画面 (PIP)、分离画面 (POP) 及并排画面 (PBP) 的 Dell 液晶电视 : P/P (PIP、POP、PBP) 功能可支援同时检视两种 …

3.点(pips)外汇的pip)是最小的计量单位。点差测速仪 窗口可同时显示3种不同的货币对 。

4.吸气峰压(Peak inspiratory pressure)1.吸气峰压PIP) 在使用容量切换型呼吸机时,变化较大,PIP的增加与肺部顺应性的改变和气道阻力的增加有关。2.呼出 …

5.个人伤害保护险(Personal Injury Protection)比如,你有没有买PIP ( Personal Injury Protection ),如有这一项,即使车祸是你的错,你的保险公司还是会赔你部分的医疗费 …

6.近端指间关节指间关节包括近端指间关节(PIP)和远端指间关节(DIP),均属于屈戊绞链关节,只有伸屈活动。指间关节对手的精细动作起着巨 …


1.Joe comes to care for Pip in his illness and for a while it is pke the old days at the forge.乔过来照顾皮普的病痛,很长一段时间,就像生活在过去那些熔炉里一样。

2.'Ah! ' he said, not understanding my look. 'Its quiet position makes you think of the country. I quite agree. Goodbye, Mr Pip. '“啊!”他不理解我的脸色,说,“幽静的职位让你想起农村,我很赞成,再见,匹普先生。”

3.'Here's Mr Pip, aged parent. Nod your head at him, Mr Pip, he's completely deaf, but he pkes to see people nod at him. '这是匹普先生,老父亲。向他点点你的头,匹普,他完全耳聋。但是,他喜欢看到人们向他点头。

4.'Pip, dear old boy, you knew her when she was a fine woman. . . 'and he could say no more.“匹普,亲爱的老伙计,你知道她,当她是一个很好的女人时……”他不能再说下去了。

5.Pip pves in my sister home and hard, his ideal is the same as a blacksmith, as her husband, he did not want to be a gentleman.皮普生活在姐姐家里,生活艰苦,他的理想是当一名像姐夫一样的铁匠,他没有想当上等人。

6.Miss Havisham asked me to send, 'said Joe, as if trying to remember the exact words, 'her-best wishes, was it, Pip? to Mrs J. Gargery. . . '“郝薇香小姐让我捎给她,”乔说着好像努力地去记住这句准确的话,“她最好的祝福,不是吗?匹普。对乔·葛吉瑞夫人说……。”

7.While i have been trading this, i have had break even weeks and i have had 500+ pip weeks, taking what i can out of the market.我交易的时候,我有时候好几周都在休息,也有时候几周盈利500多点,而且是到手利润哟。

8.Keane also managed to pip his twin brother Will to an appearance as the striker was an unused substitute at the EBB Stadium.基恩本想和自己的双胞胎兄弟威尔一起登场,可惜那位射手作为替补没得到出场机会。

9.But the Hammers are hoping to pip Spurs in their tussle for the tenancy of the Olympic stadium after the games in London next year.但明年伦敦奥林匹克运动会结束后,铁锤帮希望能够击败热刺队,赢得奥林匹克体育馆的租用权。

10.'Tell me, Pip, 'she said, stretching out her hand to me, 'how can I help your friend? You said something about it last time.“告诉我,匹普”,她向我伸出手说,“我怎么才能帮助你的朋友?上一次有关这件事你说了一点儿。”