




1.彩..等等。这些你若没在当时请店家买到或自 …

3.牧野田彩 ... 赛车 法拉利 Ferrari F-2007 纸模型 ★精装杂志版★ 寄生前夜 阿雅 AYA 怪物猎人 火焰剑 1米5 COSPLAY ...


1.Named Aya, the tiny girl was placed on her mother's shoulder for a brief moment after she was born.小宝宝出生后,医护人员将她放在珍妮的肩膀上,让母女俩享有了片刻相处时光。

2.The origin of this book comes from Aya's illegible writing of her daily degeneration, which Mr. Chaoxiang then copied and compiled on paper.此作品的原始出处,是木藤潮香女士重新抄写亚也随病情发展而写下的难以辨认的日记,在稿纸上整理而成。

3.He was allowed to touch Aya and seeing her tiny fingers close in on his was just indescribable.他被允许触摸阿雅,看到她的小指头在他手上闭在一起,是难以描述的。

4.Therefore, a state of hostipty between the two countries Aya.阿亚两国因此处于敌对状态。

5.Once you've obtained the costume (we're not sure how just yet), you'll be able to make Aya switch into it during your play sessions.一旦获得这套服装(我们还不知道如何获得),你就可以在游戏过程中让阿娅换上它。

6.One of them was Aya Miyama, who tied up the score with 10 minutes left in regulation by finishing off a scramble in front of the net.其中之一就是AyaMiyama,在还剩10分钟的时候,通过在门前的争抢,追平比分。

7.I want to go to the merry-go-round, demanded Aya, Mehdi's 5-year-old daughter. Hurry up, we are losing time, she said, prodding her mother.“我要玩旋转木马”,梅迪五岁的女儿阿雅捅捅她妈妈说,“快点,我们在浪费时间!”

8.This story is about a girl named Aya who suffered from an incurable disease, but pved pfe to the fullest until her death at 25.这个故事是关于一个女孩叫自我的人患有无法治愈的疾病,但她最充实的活着,直到她去世25岁时。

9.Sun's sister Princess Aya is in her early 20's.孙的妹妹公主彩的是她在20月初的。

10.Aya Ezawa is a sociologist in the Japanese studies program at Leiden University in the Netherlands.阿雅·艾兹沃是荷兰莱顿大学日本课题项目的社会学家。