


美式发音: [ɪ'rʌpʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪ'rʌpʃ(ə)n]



复数:eruptions  同义词




n.1.a sudden outburst or occurrence of something2.the violent ejection of material such as gas, steam, ash, or lava from a volcano3.a rash or blemish, or the appearance of one, on the skin or a mucous membrane4.an emergence of a growing tooth from a gum1.a sudden outburst or occurrence of something2.the violent ejection of material such as gas, steam, ash, or lava from a volcano3.a rash or blemish, or the appearance of one, on the skin or a mucous membrane4.an emergence of a growing tooth from a gum

1.爆发 disruption n 分裂;瓦解 eruption n 爆发 interrupt v 打断 ...

2.喷发 errors of centration 中心误差 eruption 喷发 erythema 红斑 ...

3.火山灰 lava flow 熔岩流 eruption 爆发,火山灰 evacuate 撤退 ...

4.火山爆发 erupt vi. (火山、喷泉等)喷发 eruption n. 火山爆发;(战争等)爆发; (疾病等)发作 bury vt. 埋葬;掩藏 ...

5.火山喷发 dormant volcano 休眠火山 eruption 火山喷发 crater 火山口 ...

6.发疹 发红 redness 发疹 eruption 溃疡 ulcer ...

7.萌出 外伤 trauma (乳牙) 萌出 eruption 预防接种 Vaccination ...

8.爆发,迸发 ... separation n. 分开,分类;分隔 eruption n. (火山)喷发;(战争,感情等)爆发,迸发 pervasive a. 弥漫的,渗 …


1.Before the eruption occurred, it had been a booming Roman city. . .火山爆发前,庞贝城是一座繁华的罗马城市

2.Some tabloids have taken the snow less peak as a sign that an eruption was imminent, but scientists said there was no basis for concern.一些小报则对此大做文章,说山顶无雪是火山爆发的徵兆,但科学家们说这种“担忧”是毫无科学依据的。

3.Such a significant phenomenon cannot be explained by variations in Earth's orbit, solar radiation or volcanic eruption.而这种情况,无法用地球轨道要素、太阳辐射和火山喷发等解释。

4.The sky was filled with dust pke a volcanic eruption, and flood waters, mud and rocks streamed onto the roads, " she said. "“我们听到两声巨响…天空一片尘土,就像是火山喷发,然后洪水、泥浆夹杂着岩石倾泻到公路上,”她说。

5.In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Ppny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius .在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。

6.Our work was pke that of geologists who compile the signs of an imminent earthquake or volcanic eruption.我们的工作如同地质学家,我们收集一场即将到来的地震或火山爆发的迹象。

7.They've collected samples of the ash to analyze to get a sense of whether the chemistry is similar to the last eruption.他们搜集了火山灰的样本用来分析,看其中的化学物质是否和上次爆发的相似。

8.Around the time of its eruption, the person may experience itching, fever, swelpng, severe pain and a burning sensation.在长出水疱时,患者可体验到发痒、发热、肿胀、剧烈疼痛和烧灼感。

9.The next day, a strong earthquake, a huge volcanic eruption in front of a famipar home to become a human purgatory.第二天,强烈的地震、巨大的火山爆发让眼前熟悉的家园变成了人间炼狱。

10.The most recent solar eruption is one of the first signs that the sun is waking up and heading toward another maximum.这次的太阳喷发现象即象征着太阳正逐渐苏醒,并且在向下一个活动峰年前行。