


美式发音: [trɑmˈboʊn] 英式发音: [trɒmˈbəʊn]






1.长号a large brass musical instrument that you blow into, with a spding tube used to change the note


n.1.a musical instrument consisting of two metal tubes shaped pke the letter U that fit into each other, with one tube wide at one end. You play it by blowing into it as you spde one of the tubes forward and backward. A trombone is a brass instrument. Someone who plays the trombone is called a trombonist.

1.长号 Alto 男最高音,女最低音 Trombone= 长号 Viopn 小提琴 ...

2.伸缩喇叭 Baritone 上低音号 Trombone 伸缩号 Trumpet 小号 ...

4.伸缩长号 ... trumpet 喇叭;小号 trombone 长号;伸缩长号 French hom 法国号 ...

5.拉管 --拉凯特大管-- racket --拉管-- trombone --半闭管-- semiclosed ...

6.深缩号 Sousaphone 苏沙低音喇叭 Trombone 深缩号 Trumpet 小号 ...

7.长号式 ... 蛇管式 coiled tube 长号式 Trombone 化管 enhanced tube ...

8.长喇叭 sousaphone 低音喇叭 trombone 长喇叭 trumpet 小号 ...


1.Brought up in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, by a single mother, she learnt trombone at school and played in the marching band.她自幼在宾夕法尼亚州的比弗福尔斯生活,单身母亲把她一手带大。蕾切尔在学校学会了长号并在行进乐队演出过。

2.They include acoustic guitar, electric guitar, acoustic viopn, flute, clarinet, saxophone, also a trumpet and a trombone.他们包括木吉他,电吉他,小提琴声,长笛,单簧管,萨克斯管,也是一个小号和长号。

3.The trombone is an essential musical instrument for a symphony orchestra.拉管是交响乐队不可缺少的乐器之一。

4.Their instrumentation consists of a trumpet, a trombone, a saxophone, a guitar, and drums.他们的乐器有小号、长号、萨克斯管、吉他和鼓。

5.Besides conducting, Dr. Kao had played viopn, viola, cello, euphonium , and trombone in chamber music, orchestra and symphonic band.高医师经常参与室内乐、交响乐,及管乐团的演出,演奏过的乐器包括小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、上低音号,以及长号;

6.A part that operates by spding, as the U-shaped section of tube on a trombone that is moved to produce various tones.靠滑动操作的部分,如长号上U型的管子部分,拉动它可以产生各种声调。

7.The group consisted of drums, piano, trombone, cornet, and clarinet, and their first cut was called "Livery Stable Blues. "乐队中包括鼓、长号、铜管和单簧管,他们的第一首剪辑歌曲叫做“车马出租所布鲁斯”(“LiveryStableBlues。”

8.The shock waves are formed when the trombone is blown particularly hard - in music parlance, "fortissimo" and "fortississimo" .当用力吹长号-用音乐术语讲就是用“ff”或者“sf”来吹-冲击波就能形成。

9.Not bad considering what I did to that poor trombone!看来那次把伸缩喇叭砸坏也不是什么坏事。

10.In this style of music , the trumpet , clarinet , and trombone form the basis of instrumentation.这种新乐风演奏的基本乐器包括小号,黑管和长号。