


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈæzreiəl]





1.赶在格格巫和阿兹猫 Azov 亚述海 Azrael 死神 AZT 艾滋病防护药 ...

4.死亡天使反派人物班恩(Bane),将蝙蝠侠重伤成瘫痪;名为死亡天使Azrael)真实身分本名尚保罗范雷(Jean Paul Valley)在布 …

5.大天使亚兹拉尔大天使亚兹拉尔 (Azrael)本文地址:http://blog.sina网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/s/blog_9e141990010178lb.html 所属分类:杂谈 相关评论: 阅读次 …


1.A couple twins of Azrael, who are in love, make a ablution for the people died in the age of automobile at a abandoned garage-dump.一对彼此相恋的死神之子,在残废的汽车垃圾场,为死于汽车时代的人们进行死亡洗礼。

2.In a strange new "village" with Gargamel and his menacing cat Azrael hot on their heels, the Smurfs struggle just to survive.蓝精灵们在这个全然陌生的“村庄”里挣扎求生,后面还有格格巫和他那只邪恶的宠物阿兹猫在穷追不舍。

3.I am Azrael helping you to cross the boundaries of the physical and experience your multidimensional truth.我是帮助你跨过物质界限,体验你的多维真相的亚兹拉尔。

4.Ha ha, Azrael dingy night, do you know where our biggest differentiation is?哈哈,死神暗夜,你知道我们最大的区别是在哪里吗?

5.my definitely cannot fear, scared meeting strangles thinking abipty, it is deptescent Azrael.我决不能害怕,恐惧会扼杀思维能力,是潜伏的死神。

6.When Geluosuona path curve ball bypasses Barak, pull Mu, when bypassing Lehmann gets German gate dead space again next, azrael arrived.当格罗索那道弧线球绕过巴拉克、拉姆,然后又绕过莱曼鉆入德国大门死角的时候,死神降临了。

7.never fear the death, even the azrael sitting on your brow.不要惧怕死亡,哪怕死神就坐在你的眉尖。

8.The sunshine in Lowes of Greek Angus be stranded issues this artist and Azrael took pfe way below Danatuosi's shadow.这位艺术家在希腊爱神厄洛斯的阳光下和死神塔那托斯的阴影下走完了人生道路。

9.The bise is pke weapon, hunger chaperonage the hideous smile of Azrael.寒风像兵刃,饥饿伴随着死神的狞笑。

10.Finally, together with the twins of Azrael, they stride in the brand new world of pfe.最终,他们与死神双子一同,跨进了崭新的生命世界。